
Kid Chameleon Review

Kid Chameleon
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Some video games have ninjas, other games have knights in shiney armor, and others have guys riding around on hover-boards.Kid Chameleon has all three; as well as a fly, a tornado maker, a ray-gun enthusiast, a rhino, and probably some other things I'm forgetting.The levels are seemingly never-ending and the graphings are good becasue, well, they are like nothing else...as is this game.This game was great, I remember not giving a care about whether I beat it or not, because I had so much fun playing it. The Kid traveled in between layers that seemed to never end. One second you'd be in a metropolis city, the next you'd be on an island paradise, seconds later you'd be warped to the depths of hell.Kid Chameleon is a fine game indeed. It has what many of the modern games lack -- genuine imagination.Kid Chameleon was and is to this day a gem. Quite possibly the finest game ever made.

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