
Guitar Hero World Tour Review

Guitar Hero World Tour
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I preordered this game from Amazon, but impatience got the better of me, and I bought it from Wal Mart on opening day.My review is based on that band kit, but I will be taking it back today.Why, you ask?

I played this game through two songs (Sweet Home Alabama and The Joker) and realized something wasn't right.I'm normally a 95% player on medium (On Rock Band 2) and a 90% player on hard.Yet I was scoring in the 60's on medium.After checking my calibration settings, I went over into the training mode, and realized that I couldn't even make it through the basic training because the red pad was not registering every time, and was not registering hard hits at all!

I switched over to the song recording mode, and it verified that the red pad was intermittent at best, thus the reason it's going back, and I will hope the one from Amazon is a better copy.

Now, let me say, overall, I give the feel of the drums two very big thumbs up.The pads felt much better, and they were much quieter than I was used to.However they get a thumbs down on quality.And before you think that this is just one bad experience, check around.There is a very big issue, first with the sensitivity of the pads (Apparently a program is coming out to allow you to change the sensitivity using your home PC) and second with the pads working intermittently.This second issue (Which I experienced) seems to be the most concerning, and from other sites, it looks like I am just the tip of the iceberg.I'm reading about people having to go through 2, 3, even 4 drum sets to get a good one.Many of the stores are not sold out, but are returned out.And this apparently stems from the wires to the drum pads simply being held on with silicone which is not holding everything together.

I really really can't wait until they get this set completely fixed, but since Activision is requiring YOU to pay for shipping if it's broken out of the box, might want to delay, at least for now.

Also, since I bought this game based on the promise of cross-compatibility, it should be stated that the drums do NOT work with Rock Band 2 at this point!Hopefully it's just a matter of a patch coming out, but it's a little disconcerting.

*******EDIT 11/10/08*******

As I was still having problems with a cymbal, I did contact the nice support people, who sounded quite exasperated, but immediately sent me out a tuning kit.This kit allows you to modify the sensitivity of each drum pad (Or cymbal, or pedal) to where you want it to be.Too sensitive, it may trigger when you hit another pad.Not sensitive enough, it may not trigger it all.

Now, I previously stated that some sites had talked about loose wires causing problems.In an effort to be thorough, and since my cymbal wasn't working, I did take apart the cymbal to look at the sensor.At least for my cymbal, I noted that the wires were definately SOLDERED.I was relying on information previously supplied by someone else in stating that the wires were not soldered, and I still do not know the condition of the wires on the drum pads themselves.As I said, this was my individual yellow cymbal.Since then I have sent it back through the RMA process, which, yes, did require me to send it (insured and traceable!) at my own expense.

Also, as of this date, the GH:WT drums are still not working with Rock Band 2, which is still a bit frustrating!

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Product Description:
Start a Band...the Guitar Hero Way

Guitar Hero World Tour transforms music gaming by expanding Guitar Hero's signature guitar gameplay into a cooperative band experience that combines advanced wireless instruments with online and offline gameplay modes including online Band Career and 8-player "Battle of the Bands," which allows two full bands to compete head-to-head online.The game features a slick redesigned guitar, an authentic electronic drum kit, and a microphone, as well as a Music Studio music creator that lets players compose, record, edit and share their own rock ‘n' roll anthems.

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