
Gran Turismo 2 Review

Gran Turismo 2
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Visually, GT has been improved over its top selling predecessor.While the cars are graphically the same, the backgrounds are much more detailed and sophisticated.Track design is superb with the addition of a few trueto life road courses.As of yet, I have not noticed any pop up which isunbelievable considering the amount of detail involved in this game.Theframe rate is pretty consistent although I have encountered slow down(about 20fps) when cornering on a few occasions.This struck me as oddbecause there was no traffic around at the time.The rally racing optionis fantastic and a lot of fun to play.What a great addition to thegame!
Experienced GT gamers will find the control identical to theoriginal Gran Turismo.For newcomers to this type of racer, there willprobably be about a 1-2 hour learning curve.While many people find thelicense testing a nuisance, it is ideal for the entry level gamer (ornewcomer to GT) to learn the concepts required to be successful in thistype of racing sim.For those who are more experienced, many of the testscan be passed in 1-3 attempts.
The variety of cars is unbelievable.Theonly noticeable absentees are Pontiac and Porsche. Many if not all of theoriginals have stayed to make a second appearance plus many, MANY newadditions. The range in variety of cars is incredible: from VW Beetles tothe Vector to super McLaren type cars.One thing that struck me as odd wasthe varied "model years" of some cars.The 2000 Toyota Celica is present,but GT2 still showcases the '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse and '96 Corvette seen inGT1.The Japanese styled Acura Integra has not been given the"American facelift" in this edition of GT either.
My onlyserious gripes in this game are the damage/collision factors and theextremely poor AI.How can this game be considered to be the "ultimateracingsim" when a player can slam into another car at 100+mph around acorner and use it as a "cushion" (in order to not have to reduce yourspeed) to take the turn?It is very disheartening and it takes away fromthe game.A player should "pay" for reckless driving!Games like TOCA 2demand responsible driving in addition to offensive and defensive racingtechniques.In GT2, you can slam into another car's quarter panel and nothave to worry about damage (or damage of any significance if you use the"collision option") or spinning out.There are no accidents andunfortunately, that takes a lot of the excitement away.You can create amonster of a car, and just rip around a track slamming into walls will noill effects.That doesn't seem right to me.Realism?I think not.
Inthis edition of Gran Tursimo, there are only 6 cars on track per race (inboth the arcade version and simulator version).I would have liked to haveseen at least 10-12 cars per race.
My last gripe is the AI, or lack thereof.It feels as if I am racing against mindless "drones."Again, the poorAI takes away from the excitement and this problem plagued GT 1 as well.Iwas hoping it would be corrected this time around.
Despite it'sdrawbacks, Gran Turismo 2 still remains the greatest racing title to evergrace a home gaming console.It is tremendous fun, and it is highlyrecommended. My wife even loves it!
I better start buying lotterytickets - because work just seems to be getting in the way of my gamingtime!

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Product Description:
The original Gran Turismo is generally credited as the best drivinggame ever released on the PlayStation. That's a tough claim to beat, but the bestcontender to steal those bragging rights is, of course, the much-anticipated sequelGran Turismo 2.
This time the driving action takes place on 20 different racing courses--almost double thenumber in the original game. There are more than 400 cars to choose from, includingnewly added "muscle cars" and even a VW Beetle! While some racing games slide bywith less-than-realistic driving control, the Gran Turismo series has won overdie-hard car fanatics with its attention to detail and realism. For example, this game givesyou the freedom to modify your engine to maximize your driving performance. While notall gamers will care about adjusting their axle width or suspension, it is a nice option forthose of us who like to get under the hood before we go.
Once your car is up and running, the race begins. The arcade racing mode is filled withnumerous bumps and surprises. If you have a dual shock controller, you will feel everyrumble and shake as your car speeds, slides, and (often) crashes on the street. Thein-depth simulation mode allows you to earn money from your races so that you canupgrade your car's parts and, ultimately, buy or sell a car.

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