
Bugdom 2 (DVD) Review

Bugdom 2
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I have played the original Bugdom on my PC so much that the CD has become thin enough to read through. The only complaint i have ever had about the original game was that the controls were not as responsive as they should have been. This caused 'wandering'. Sometimes you're trying to go a certain way, and the controls made it difficult. In this game that problem was addressed. Wonderfully! The graphics are updated, the control scheme is simpler, and the controls are very reactive. You can stop on a dime and change views very easily. I have finished the game and found no game-stopping glitches. I did, however, find some 1st level head scratchers. During ONLY the 1st level, i would get booted to the windows screen often. I was about to give up., but i was enjoying the game so much i pressed on. I'm glad i did. The moment i left level 1, the problem never happenned again. This game is everything the original was, and with a lot of tweaks that would've made the first one even better! I would tell anyone i know that they would find this game enjoyable.

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Product Description:
The world of Budgom has a new heroProduct InformationWhile on his way to visit his family on the far side of the Bugdom Skip'sknapsack is stolen by Bully Bee. With your help Skip must track downBully Bee and get his knapsack back. The award-winning adventure weavesthroughout a variety of detailed and familiar environments in the house pooldrainpipes and yard.Your new friends Sam the Snail and Sally the Chipmunk will help you throughyour quest. Plus the same Buddy Bugs that helped Rollie McFly defeat KingThorax will help you defeat many of the enemy bugs that you encounter.Product Features3D action-adventure suitable for all agesChoose standard or enhanced anaglyphic 3D mode10 large and immersive levelsSwim jump fly and solve puzzlesTravel across parks sewers and poolsKiddie mode for younger playersand much moreWindows RequirementsWindows 98SE Me 2000 XP500 MHz or faster processor64 MB of RAM or more210 MB available Hard Drive space640 x 480 in thousands of colors3D Video Card with 8 MB of RAM or moreDirectX 8 or later (included on disc)CD-ROM drive

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