
Twisted Metal: Black Review

Twisted Metal: Black
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I'm going to divide this review into 5 categories: Story, Gameplay, Graphics, Sound, and Replayability. And just so you know, I'll abreviate the game name by saying TMB. So let's get started...
Gameplay Rating: 5/5
TMB has 10 unlocked characters and 5 locked characters. And I'm going to start out by explaining all the modes of gameplay.
One Player
-Story Mode: In story mode you pick one character and play through 8 levels with that character including two bosses. There will be an intro cutscene, and then a middle cutscene later, and an epilogue cutscene at the end. Besides the 2 boss levels, you have to defeat 8 enemies in the other 6 levels and they'll be killing each other and you. In each level you have 3 lives but unlimited continues, and you can save after each level. After you beat level eight you can save all of your unlocks (I'll explain in replayability). More details in Story and Graphics later in this review.
-Endurance Mode: In endurance mode you pick one character and one battleground and you get one life. With this one life you have to kill as many enemies as you can. You will be killing them one by one, not in a group like in story mode.
-Challenge Mode: In challenge mode you pick one character and one battleground and you pick up to 8 enemies to battle against (or you can make it random). You battle these enemies in a group like in story mode.
-Two to Four Player Deathmatch: In this mode you and 1 to 3 of your friends can battle each other in an all out war on the battlefield of your choice (NOTE: Multitap required for more than 2 players). If you play with more than 2 players you can form teams to duke it out. By the way, you get 3 lives. This is always a favorite, and you can have your own tournaments based on this!
-Two Player Co-op Story: In this mode you and another player can advance as a team through the 8 levels in story mode. Pretty fun though, it reminds me of Final Fight 3 and the cooperative play there.
-Two Player Last Man Standing: In this mode you and another player select an identical list of players (picking alternates player 1 picks first car, player 2 picks second, player 1 picks third, and so on) and fight on a battleground of choice. As each of your vehicles are destroyed you battle with the next vehicle on your list and you go on until one player runs out of vehicles. This is probably adopted from the classic lineup of fighters in fighting games like Dead or Alive 2 and Mortal Kombat.
As you can see, Incog went to great lengths to feed your hunger for fun. There is an options menu where you can choose your control scheme and level of difficulty, and this game is rather hard even on easy mode. The main argument by most people for why not to get this game is that it is sooooo hard. Well they really are just whiny because this game is not impossible to beat. I had barely even played a car combat game before TMB and I beat TMB through a story in easy mode. The reason it's hard is because the controls take some getting use to and the battle is just crazy because you have to constantly move and dodge attacks and use energy attacks and stuff like that. If you play in challenge mode for a while and practice, it won't be so bad in story mode, which is really the heart of the single player modes. I don't know about you but I like a challenge in a game, too many new games barely pose any kind of learning curve and in some ways take out the fun of getting better at the game. The gameplay is really great in my opinion and once you get use to it it's really great. So let me move on to the weapons and attacks because some people may wonder what the game has to offer in this.
Normal Weapons/Pickups
-Machine Gun: The machine gun is always available to you by hitting R2 (in classic controls) and your supply of bullets is unlimited, but the firepower and speed differs vehicle-to-vehicle. It generally isn't very powerful though. If you use it too much at one time it will overheat (there's an indicator on your HUD for that) and you have to wait for it to cool down, but you have to use it a lot for that to happen. The gun can get pretty powerful if you pick up an upgrade, but the upgrades only have a limited amount of bullets.
-Homing Missile: This missile is the equivalent of a heat seeking missile and it will hunt you down to the ends of the earth unless you use a shield (energy attack, explained later) or dodge it miraculously. The damage is pretty minimal but I think upon closer impact it may inflict a bit more damage (this is unconfirmed though).
-Fire Missile: This is like a powerful homing missile, but its tracking abilities aren't as extravagant as the homing missile. It's really useful.
-Power Missile: Just when you thought they couldn't think of another missile;) This is a super powerful missile that travels in a straight line, no tracking ability whatsoever. This thing can take down buildings too!
-Gas Can: I didn't like this thing at first, but I loved it later. It's basically a gas can you can eject and there's a reticle on the ground and when you're ready for it to come down you can press L2 (the launch weapon button in classic controls) again. The neat thing about hitting someone with this is that they're on fire now (you have to love the fire effects here) and as they burn their health goes down so they have to turbo to put out the flames. This weapon has an alternate use though because by pressing certain buttons you can lay this thing on the ground and it'll power up until it's fully powered and when someone drives on it they're in deep @#$% because this blast is among the most powerful, if not the most powerful, in the game!
-Rico[chet]: This is a disc thing that launches from a side of your vehicle and will bounce off the walls a few times until it hits someone or it'll dissipate if it hits the wall more than a few times. If you successfully ricochet it and hit someone, you get a bank shot award with enhanced damage.
-Env[ironmental]: Each battleground has it's own special environmental attack that will devastate your enemies and even you in some cases. In one level it'll spark a bomber attack or in another a lightning attack. Each level has its own special environmental attack though.
-Special: Ah yes, the mother of all awesome attacks, the special. Each character has its own special attack with its own range of firepower. You can't really pick this up though, you'll just get it over time. Just to name a few the preacher will send out a guy with a bomb strapped to his chest as his special and Sweet Tooth will turn into a rocket launching robot. These things can be fatal if you use it properly to get the bonus damage.
-Health: There are health things you can pick up in addition to repair bays to aid your health.
-Turbo: You can do turbo and you have a meter for it rechargable by this pickup.
Skill-Based Weapons: This pickup will be random between one of the following three weapons. They're skill-based because they take experience to use them and inflict maximum damage.
-Reticle: When you select this weapon it'll create a reticle on your screen and target the nearest enemy and a 5 second timer will start (the seconds seem really long though). You must follow this guy until about 4 seconds pass because the longer you can keep him in your reticle the more missiles you can deliver for enhanced damage. You can launch in a second if you want but it'll only be one missile. By the way, this guy you target will know that you're targeting him because he can see the reticle on himself.
-Sat[ellite]: When you select the SAT it will create a targeting reticle on the ground visible by all and once you press L2 you'll send a barrage of missiles in the air and the reticle will change colors. Once it turns red it'll automatically hit the ground. Before it turns red you can press L2 again and bring them down early, but the damage won't be as great.
-Zoomy: When you use the zoomy it'll send out 10 semi-guided missiles at an opponent and if you can get a hit with all 10 you get a damage bonus.
Energy Attacks: Incog has figured out another way to enhance battle and that's with these energy attacks. You'll have an energy bar that will automatically regenerate and as long as you have the energy you can do any of these things by pressing the proper keys (shown in the instruction manual).
-Shield: Creates an unpenetrable shield around you temporarily.
-Invisibility: Grants you complete invisibility from vision and radar for a limited amount of time, but any attack launched on you will hurt you.
-Landmine: Lays a landmine on the ground behind you that will be triggered when touched by anyone (even you).
-Jump: Allows you to jump.
-Rear Fire: Doesn't require energy, but you can fire a weapon behind you.
The cool thing about these weapons are that each car has a different way of setting them up. Like the launch might come out of the roof or something and it's neat how each weapon has it's own way to get ready. Another cool thing is that levels literally have hundreds of interactive objects

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Product Description:
While the Twisted Metal line of vehicular combat games has had unevenepisodes, the developers at Incog have thankfully brought the series back inblack, and it has never been better. Twisted Metal: Black pushes theenvelope in terms of graphics, gameplay, and content. It's a tremendous game,but parents should keep in mind that it carries a Mature rating from ESRB andits content may be unsuitable for younger players. Gamers old enough to handleit will be treated to a must-have game for the PlayStation2.
Twisted Metal: Black is one of the best-looking games on the market. Thecharacter design, animations, particle effects, and lighting effects are alltopnotch, yet the game still runs at a speedy frame rate--even in multiplayermodes. The game isn't all about looks though, as gameplay is very deep andcontains several modes. You'll want to play single-player story mode severaltimes just to see how the game ends for its numerous compelling characters. Eachcharacter has a story line that's simple yet captivating. More importantly, eachof the characters' vehicles has meaningful differences, so players are bound tofind a rig that fits their playing styles.
With its slick gameplay, interesting characters, wide variety of modes, andbreathtaking graphics, Twisted Metal: Black is the best vehicular combatgame yet, and, so far, the best PlayStation2 game of the year. --Raymond M.Padilla

    Incredible graphics
    Deep gameplay
    Strong replay value

    Controls can be tricky at first
    Boss fights can be frustrating

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