
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space Review

Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
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When I heard that Encounters in Space was supposed to play like Zone of the Enders, I was pretty stoked since ZOE was probably one of the best mecha games made for PS2, with the exception of RAD. But since I'm a Gundam fan, this grabbed my attention. Bandai has hit the nail on the head with this title. Fans of Gundam or mecha in particular will eat this up. First off is the animation for the series as shown in the game. The original Mobile Suit Gundam has been re-animated so it looks brand new and that just rocks. The sound effects and music is replicated to a tee. It is EXACTLY like the series, which isn't bad for us Gundamanics. The controls take a little getting used to, but they're not completely horrible. Graphics are good, but think a sharper, better looking Star Fox 64. The CG intro is great and is leagues better than that kiddie-pleaser SD Gundam currently on Toonami ( hopefully Zeta Gundam will be out soon and take SD Gundam off). The most impressive thing about this game is you can play as almost any of the Mobile Suits. Sadly, you can't play as most of the Gundams from Gundam Wing or G-Gundam. But they do have a good selection. Master Gundam,Burning(God)Gundam,Wing Gundam Zero Custom and TallGeese III. This is a game strictly for Gundam fans, but a darn good, if not, fun one.

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Product Description:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters In Space puts you on the front lines, in the ongoing battle for control of the spaceways!

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