
Digimon World: Dawn Review

Digimon World: Dawn
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If you've ever wished for an excellent Digimon game, Dawn and it's twin title, Dusk, may be just what you're looking for. An RPG with conflicting situations and stories.
Unlike the previous title for the DS, Dawn and Dusk make trading and the story in general much more interesting. No longer do you have to rely on friend codes to get Digi-Eggs, but it takes a lot of luck. And you grow at your own pace, taking placement exams to test your Tamer skills.
This game also introduces over 100 new Digimon, for nearly 400 in all, with a few exclusives to each title. Also new is DNA-Digivolve, a way to make powerful Digimon by fusing two, and improving existing ones.
If you are a fan of Digimon and own a DS, this will be the best thirty dollars you'll spend.

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Digimon World Dawn DS

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