
Outlaws Review

Average Reviews:

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This is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever played. If you enjoy western shoot'em ups this is th' game fer you! Great storyline unlike mostgames(Quake). Almost everyday I pop this game into my Cd player and startshootin.Not only is the game great but there is multiplayer. others.A great website for playin outlaws in www.zone.com look around andbecome a member! Great! And once ya get bored playin th' Multiplayer levelson the cd, you can download many levels that other people have made! Notonly is the game awesome the people around it are great. HopefullyLucasarts will make a sequel. But before you buy that, get this it's wellworth it and at a great price! Great Website to download more Multiplayer

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Product Description:
Three Game Variations - Spaghetti Western Shooter, Bounty Hunter Action, & MultiplayerShootouts. Challenges the wit as well as the trigger finger - Shooting the civilians may leave you swinging from a rope. Multiplayer Games - Support 2 to 8 players over modem, network, or Internet. Form your own game and hit the trail.

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