
Logitech PlayStation 3 Cordless MediaBoard Pro Review

Logitech PlayStation 3 Cordless MediaBoard Pro
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I tried a standard wireless Logitech KB with the PS3 and while it worked, the range was only about 10 feet.As my couch is about 20 feet from the PS3, I had to string the KB receiver into the middle of the room.No such problem with the Mediaboard.I walked into a back bedroom over 50 ft away and it was able to transmit that distance through a number of walls.It is glossy black with a chrome strip on the top to complement the PS3.The X and O buttons are mapped to the Enter and Esc keys respectively; which works well since the X is usually "OK" and O is typically "Back".The touchpad beats using the D-pad to move around the PlayStation Store.I have not used the media buttons on the top since I have the Sony remote.Once you pair up the Mediaboard to the PS3 (which is an easy process) you don't have to do it again.I was concerned that I would have to pair it up each time I turned on the Mediaboard or PS3.

I only have three small issues with the Mediaboard.One, the power switch is aslider built into the chrome strip.There is a little nub in the center that I assume was to provide some grip.It doesn't help since the surface of the button is slick.I just use my fingernail to move the switch back and forth.Second: no Start button.You need to press Start to begin downloads from the Playstation Store.Not a big issue as you can use the arrow keys to move to the Start image on the screen and hit theEnter (X) key.Third: no PS button.A strange omission.It might have to do with the fact that the Mediaboard does not show up as a controller on the PS3.

I highly recommend the Mediaboard for anyone looking for a keyboard for their PS3.

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Product Description:
Cordless MediaBoard Pro -- Complete your PLAYSTATION3 experience with a Bluetooth cordless keyboard. Use Cordless MediaBoard Pro to quickly set up profiles, enter Web addresses, and send text messages. A built-in touch pad with vertical scrolling eliminates the need for a mouse. Quick media keys simplify Web browsing and provide easy access to entertainment media.

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