
Best Seller Series: Starcraft Expansion Set -- Brood War Review

Best Seller Series: Starcraft Expansion Set -- Brood War
Average Reviews:

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I have been playing this game for 5 or 6 years. It is the best game period. It is somewhat difficult but not impossible to complete. Plenty of levels and missions. Good controls, great graphics for it's time and still stands up well to this day, great sound, good music, great storyline. There is a campaign editor, so after you have finished playing the regular game you can create your own game or play some of the custom games that are already provided. I keep waiting and hoping that Blizzard is going to do a quality sequel to this game and right now I am very disappointed that I have not heard anything to indicate that they are. One more thing, although system requirements does not state it, it will work on Windows XP, it has on mine anyway, without using the compatibility mode I might add. This is a great game do yourself a favor go out and buy it, now!

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Product Description:
StarCraft: Brood War continues the award-winning saga of galactic warfare as the Zerg, Protoss and Terrans struggle for their continued survival. With the shattered Zerg hive torn apart by fierce in-fighting, the Protoss seek to reunite with their Dark Templar brethren and begin the rebuilding of their homeworld, Aiur. Terran Emperor Mengsk I, having achieved his goal of total power over the human colonies, must now turn his attention to both the rising power of the woman he betrayed -- Kerrigan, the infamous Zerg Queen of Blades-- and a conspiracy deep within his own ranks.New characters

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