
Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 Review

Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2
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Heavy Metal FAKK 2 is a first-rate action adventure game.The few small problems, such as the odd clipping anomoly, a buggy crash-proneending, and an obvious memory leak can be overlooked when you realise thateverything else is top-notch.Although others may feel FAKK 2 could belonger, it certainly is not short.For your money, this game is well wortha place in your game collection.
In FAKK 2 you play thecharacter Julie, a super-hot babe that could be on the cover of any girliemag.It is your job to rescue "your people" while participationin an unfolding story that is both interesting and well told.
The gamegenre is that of a fantasy/sci-fi hybrid; exactly how you will remember themovie Heavy Metal.This really gives the game the ability to go off inmany interesting directions, and it does.You will wield flaming swords,tote a 50 cal machine gun, and fire a plasma crossbow.All while staringat Julie's beautifully rendered 3D bod in 5 different sexy outfits!
Thegame consists of chapters which must be navigated before the next canbegin.Excellent cut scenes keep the story flowing. While this may seemto be a very linear progression, it doesn't feel that way.First of all,the environments are made to be explored.Julie has all the abilities of aLara Croft, and can use these abilities to get into some very interestingplaces.In many cases, you will feel like you're a kid in a playground,jumping, climbing and exploring.Secondly, you CAN move through chaptersquickly at your own detriment.There is no code preventing you frommissing out on useful items.So if you want, you can blitz through thegame very quickly by choosing not to look for items.But you may be verysorry later in the game when it takes twice as much effort to perform atask.Therefore, it behooves you to find all the goodies in each chapter. And because there are no time limits on chapters, you can feel free to takeyour time to do this.
Puzzles are, overall, pleasant and not overlydifficult.Games like Unreal have some insanely frustrating button-pushingand lever pulling tasks,but FAKK 2 tends to keep all their puzzleslocalized.What that means is you won't push a button one place, then runall over the map to figure out what it did.Any button/lever that affectsan object even a short distance away is clearly shown with a cut-scene. Jumping games do exist, but overall they are fairly easy... except for onenear the end.
Throughout the game, combat is frequent so anyone who likesfighting as much as puzzle solving should be happy.The combat system isnot complex, but it certainly is varied.Julie can dual-wield one-handedweapons, wield one two-handed weapon, or wield a one-handed weapon and usea shield.A special attack is built in that is fairly easy to trigger ifyou are not interrupted mid-swing.But because various monsters in FAKKtend to attack you at the same time, and ranged-weapon ammo is not alwaysabundant, it seems that you almost always need a melee weapon andranged-weapon combo to be effective.Swapping the ranged-weapon out forthe shield is often necessary.
About the only drawback with such avaried combat system is weapon selection.They did their best, but itstill takes a couple seconds to choose your weapons from inventory.Youwon't have to switch during combat too often normally, but the Boss fightsusually require it.
Absolutely incredible.The last time Iwas awedplaying a game like this was seeing Unreal for the first timeyears ago.The Quake3 engine, with it's shiny surfaces, is THE best engineI have ever seen.If every game developer used this engine from now on, Iwould be a VERY happy gamer.
There are a few small quirks.First, theclipping anomolies that everyone is referring to, are relatively minor.Ithink only once I got so stuck I had to restart the game.Yes, thecollision detection seems a bit off in some places but it's really not hardto sidestep or jump out of these places.What is a little more annoying isthat there appears to be a memory leak.After about an hour of playing,the game gets a little choppy and I had to reboot my machine to get theliquid smoothness back.Unfortunately I installed the latest patch in thelast chapter, so I don't know if that fixes it.
You really shoulddownload both patches before you play the game.
Excellent.Soundtracks are top notch and vary throughout the chapters.Even the main menutheme song is really good.
Sound effects were extremely well done, fromthe ambient sounds in the environment (like running water and wildlife) tothe weaponry.

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Product Description:
F.A.K.K.2 is a universal warning to all Federation deep spacenavigators, indicating a dangerous biohazard where life enters and only deathremains. F.A.K.K.2 is also the name of a world so sublime, with a secret sogreat, that only the most terrifying classification could keep the spoilersaway.
F.A.K.K.2 is also a woman who has assumed the name of the world she cherished,when that name alone could no longer protect her tranquil paradise from greed,cruelty, and annihilation. With vengeance in her soul, love in her heart, andtwo fully automatic, four-barreled blasters in her hands, F.A.K.K.2 is aravishing avenger on a deadly mission. A steel-eyed huntress and expert warrior,F.A.K.K.2 fights with a single purpose--she will not rest until she's freed hersister from the ruthless, power-hungry monster who abducted her when he ravagedtheir majestic planet and stole its greatest secret.
The game's story picks up where the movie leaves off. You control F.A.K.K.2, whomust now defend her home world from invasion by a Borg-like collective known asGITH Industries. GITH is an ugly megalomaniac who wants to dominate the universeand either possess or decimate everything that lives and breathes. He has beenmotoring around the galaxy in a spaceship strapped to a conquered, decimatedplanet. The company is looking for an upgrade and has discovered Julia's world.F.A.K.K.2 is the only thing that stands between GITH and total control of theuniverse. Time for our heroine to break out the four-barreled blasters again.
The game is played in a third-person perspective with equal parts action andadventure. Among its key features are dynamic environments, visible damage, andtwo-handed combat.

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