
Fatal Frame Review

Fatal Frame
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Ghosts are pretty scary.
I'm not talking about your "Casper the Friendly Ghost" spirits.I'm talking about your "corner-of-the-eye ethereal image" ghosts, the ones we all talk about in hushed voices over a cup of hot cocoa on stormy nights.Despite what scientists, religious fanatics or your mother may say, "ghosts can be very real ... and very scary."While fans of the horror genre may find their Resident Evil's or Silent Hill's staling, it'd be a hard press to find a single individual who wasn't disturbed, nerve racked or swear-to-death frightened of what Tecmo has done with such a simple concept as a ghost house. Fatal Frame mixes RPG gameplay with eeriness to create an experience like no other you have come unto before.
The story behind Fatal Frame is as follows:A young girl named Miku Hinasaki has ventured into the mysterious Himuro Mansion, the last known whereabouts of her missing older brother, Mafuyu.Mafuyu had ventured inside to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a certain renowned author named Junsei Takamine, who is Mafuyu's idol.Takamine's aim was to study the mansion's mysterious and bloody history, and, as you've imagined, neither him nor any of the members of his research team have been heard from since.You take the role of Miku, who, in the search for her brother, manages to learn all about the craziness going on at the Himuro Mansion and find out a bit more about Takamine and company than she probably wants to know.
As the game's main character, Miku, you will journey through the bowels of a haunted mansion in search of your lost brother with only a camera as protection.But not just any camera, mind you.Through an Onimusha-like upgrade system, you will be able to transform your poltergeist-friendly camera into a finely tuned spook-busting machine.Each ghost that you capture via your camera will net you a certain amount of spirit points, which you can spend on adding or improving functionality to your camera.Fatal Frame also delivers a very gripping psychological freak fest.The scenes of murder and ritualistic sacrifices are eerie and disturbing.The mansions long dead residents revealing themselves in grisly fashions at the most opportune moments (I swear they must monitor your heart rate through the controller) will keep your pulse racing at an unhealthy level, unless of course you're one of those jaded gamers made of stone who never flinches.
The graphics in Fatal Frame are just short of astounding.Interactive backgrounds, freaky grain-film filters, impressive Luigi's Mansion-quality dynamic lighting effects.Every object casts a realistic shadow on the background resulting in an almost frightening level of immersiveness.You'll see shadows moving as you walk, which adds in to the realism.However, don't expect to see everything in daylight or something; everything is dark and you'll have to look around with the flashlight.Also, while each character has an almost manga look to them and may not be uber-detailed like in Silent Hill 2, they still look sharp and contain elements of realism.The atmosphere is just breath-taking and although some areas within the mansion do look the same, the feeling of deja-vu is rarely noticeable.The whole package is pulled together really well to create a grisly environment.Excellent texture maps and a well-detailed environment immediately draw you into the game.
But what really stands out is the design and look of the ghosts. In fact, the ghost effects are awesome to behold.They fade in and out, and the visual effects when they are "invisible" is well done. You will find yourself shocked and horrified by what turns up when you least expect it.
The sound in Fatal Frame is anything but clunky.Using 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound, it is composed mainly of an organic-ambience and strange ritualistic chanting music that would scare your little brother to death, if you were to record the samples onto a mini-recorder, put the device under his bed and hit play at full volume ... while he is sleeping.Ghosts will scream in agony as you film them and taunt you in the instances when they have the upper hand.Supernatural objects will resonate with a spooky hum as you close in on them, faint voices can be heard through long corridors, footsteps sound suitably different depending on the composition of what your walking on; all this equates to an audibly impressive, realistic experience that reverberates with resounding effect.But it was some of the voices that got my skin crawling the most.Whispers haunt certain corners while low demonic murmerings haunt others.Some spirits will taunt you while others will cry out in their torment, "It hurts ... It hurts ..."
Fatal Frame is a wonderful game that takes quite a lot of courage to play.You seriously do not know how scary this game is, and if you'll be able to handle it.Only buy it if you can stand in a pitch black haunted house screaming satanic verses in real life.It's a great game, but it makes most gamers run home crying to their mommy.Intense, but a definite classic.Buy it if your tough.

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Product Description:
Fatal Frame, a horror-adventure game, leaves its victims breathless as they become immersed in a world of supernatural spirits and sheer terror. Guided by her sixth sense and armed only with an antique camera, Miku sets out to solve the mystery of her brother's sudden disappearance. As the story unfolds, she discovers gruesome details about the Himura mansion's troubled past. The property and surrounding area have a dark history involving grisly murders, an evil cult, and restless spirits.

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