
System Shock 2 Review

System Shock 2
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System Shock II was a sequel that came out of nowhere and hit the gamingcommunity like a bolt of lightning.It was one of the first 1st personshooter games that combined the usual tactics and traits of a shooter gamewith roleplay elements.Your goal isn't just to kill every monster insight, but also to solve a mystery on the ship.
Another interestingaspect is that you can set up your own skills and traits, either as afighter, a computer wiz, or a psychic.Each skill will get your throughthe obstacles in different ways and as you progress your prowess grows inwhatever areas you choose.
The atmosphere is wonderful.As you sneakthorugh the darkened corridors there are sounds and bits of ambiance allaround you.Zombies gibber as they hunt you down, monkeys chatter as theyprowl through the ships, cyborgs politely ask you to come out (so they canexplode in your face), steam hisses from vents, computers humm softly. This game has the hairs on my neck standing up half the time or threw meinto wild fits as I tried to get myself out of a suprise attack.
The onlydownsides to the game were the monster re-spawning after you had clearedout a level and the rapid degredation of guns while you used them, butthere is a game patch that very nicely handles this problem and also allowsyou to play cooperative multiplayer if you desire.
All in all this gameis very much worth the price.If you want a nice shooter game with enoughatmosphere and history to make it seem real then this is the perfect gamefor you.

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