
NHL Hitz Pro Review

NHL Hitz Pro
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Hola boys and girls,
Here's the deal, Hitz is the best hockey game on the market.Let me tell you why.Being a huge hockey fan (Go Avalanche!) for a number of years I have always checked out each new hockey game to come along.EA was doing good until the last 3 years and now they're franchise has gone down the tubes.ESPN has an alright game, but there is only a certain amount of realism that I care to digest.I play hockey games because they're fast, hard hitting, and damn fun.
With that in mind, Hitz is the best franchise around.You get extremely hard hitting (I love knocking players through the glass), nice physics, great competition (depending on what difficulty setting you have it on), and now we have 5-on-5 hockey.What's not to like about this game?
A lot of people have claimed that the hitting has toned down.What?!?!My friend and I got 333 hits in one game, that's not toned down.The fighting system is a little on the crappy side of things, but it's bearable.EA has the best fighting system by far.There are a few glitches in the grapics every now and then, but nothing to worry about.
Online play is quite fun.The only problem with online play is beating the crap out of someone and then having them quit before the end of the game.The game lags a little when playing online as well, but it's also bearable.That's to be expected though.
Another issue I have with the grapics is the players' hair.What the hell is with their hair?Could they at least attempt to make the hair look realistic.Plus their faces look a little goofy at times.
Line changes are new to this year's edition, but I'm disappointed that you can't change on the fly.I would love to be able to have a nice flow to the game without having to freeze the puck so that I can change lines.That's a minor issue, but it's just something I would like to see changed.
Here's another big issue: what happened to the mini-games?Those were incredibly fun to play with my buddies.Now all you get is pick-up hockey which is okay, but it's missing something.
I'm glad that you don't have to stadiums before each game, that was pointless.Though I do miss being able to use snow.I know that it had zero affect on play, but I just love snow.
The AI has been changed for the better this year.I could be the crap out of the computer on All-Star in last year's game, but Legend is quite the challenge.I find myself having to come from behind, or going into overtime.Last night I won a game in OT and I was hootin' and hollarin' because I was so into the game.I love that.There are very few sports games that I'm able to get that involved in.
Fortunately your players can now get assists if someone scores off of the rebound.That's how it is in real life and I'm glad that they added that much needed bit of realism.My players could have had double their points last year from all the goals I scored off of rebounds.
Let's not forget the wraparound shot.Oh that is a grand new feature to this game.I love the ability to go behind the night and try and tuck it in-between the goalie and the post.I've scored a few goals from behind the net.The analog deke is also a great new feature.I love the ability to be able to create my own deke, instead of a spin.
One of my favourite new features is the fact that your teammates will deflect and dive for pucks.The computer has scored a bunch of my goals by lunging and knocking a loose puck in the back of the net; or they deflect a shot that's going top-shelf right through the goalie's five hole.It's just wonderful.
Franchise mode is still here this year and it's got some nice features.Though they really need to load that sucker up some more next year if they want to stay with the "competition."
Hitz is everything I wanted and more.I can't wait till next year's version comes out.To me this is the number one hockey franchise out there.
Thanks for your time.
Natural Joe

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Product Description:
With NHL Hitz Pro, you'll have all the fun and excitement of a real NHL game, and then some! Great game commentary brings the hockey action to life for you!

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