
Vagrant Story Review

Vagrant Story
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I've been a console RPG fan for many years now.From Dragon Warrior to Final Fantasy I have played most all of the popular games that have long been the catalysts for mass obsession.Vagrant Story is no exception tothis rule.I purchased this game right as it hit the shelves, not knowingwhat to expect...but knowing that I was not to be disappointed by the divinepower of Squaresoft.This is perhaps a game that could be referred to as"video gaming's first successful gene splicing experiment."Combine apinch of the dungeon roaming found in the old Zelda or Diablo games with adash of Tomb Raider and you have the beginnings of a great game.Now, mixin one part Final Fantasy and set in a rich, dark, gothic environment...andvoila!...you have quite possibly the world's perfect video game.
Thebattle system in Vagrant Story is like none that I have seen before...it ispossible to target your opponents body parts separately in order to perhapsfind a weakness.There are also real time functions that you learn calledbattle abilities which allow you to make your attacks more effective.Youdon't necessarily find complete weapons in this game either, you make yourown...and then name them!
Let's not forget the monsters...there are more thanI can count.Dragons, zombies, lizard-men...all of these and more haunt thecomplex dungeons you will explore on your quest.In fact, as an addedpoint of challenge for the game, the weapons you use will eventuallydeveloping a liking to the flesh of the creature you most often attack andwill become more effective against others of its kind...but beware!...yourweapons may become ineffective against those monsters of an oppositepersuasion.
In closing...get this game...period...no questions asked.If youcan look in a mirror and say with a straight face that you are a seriousconsole RPG fan, you have absolutely no choice...no...you owe it to yourself togive this game a try!

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