
Deer Avenger 4: The Rednecks Strike Back Review

Deer Avenger 4: The Rednecks Strike Back
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Well,to start off,its a fun game,definitely.This is the first Deer avenger game i've gotten and i like it(well,i also have the handheld version of number 2,shaped like a little shotgun)I plan to pick up the others soon also.If you are lookin to take a break from the more serious games like Max Payne or any other of those (fun)games,this is the game for u.sure there are some tiny flaws,but they are unnoticeable.U can also watch movies,which is a nice feature.But,My favorite part of the game is Bambo's arsenal.You start out with nothing but your wits,instinct, and the Berreta .45.As u build your arsenal and take out more rednecks,u will eventually come across a crossbow and an uzi.u also have a bunch of handy farts like the booster fart which lets u get places faster.Sick of walkin around lookin for those Rednecks?Then use a tracking device of course!Whats that in the distance?A redneck?then put on the scope!(it fits on every gun,even the uzi,Goody Goody)Theres a bunch of cool new rednecks such as Agent x,el nacho,Roxy Etc. Of course,patience is a virtue which u will need a lot of,because this game can get frustrating,but not impossible.You can Hurry things along by using some of Bambo's hilarious new calls (Anyone know Donald Trump,he left his wallet here)or his redneck attracting broccoli farts.u can also hide in bushes,throw lures,and listen to Bambo's comic relief all through the game (but after a while it gets a little old)And another good part is the game lets u go where u want hunt where u want it doesnt really make u go to the next level if u need more practice,or to earn more skill points.The only reason i took off one star is because,it takes a while to find a hunter,and if u get one,and continue hunting and die,u loose the other hunter u bagged.And, occasionally two hunters come after u at the same time making it a little unfair(especcialy if u are only armed w/ a Berreta.45)All in all,i recommend this game to anyone if u need to take a break from more serious and mature games.I think the teen rating is right on the money considering the language is unsuitable for the little tikes but not so violent as to be a mature rating.Well,happy hunting.

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