
Halo: Original Soundtrack Review

Halo: Original Soundtrack
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If you played the game, you know just how stunning and well done the music of Halo is. If you haven't... you're missing out on some of the most original and inspiring music of our time.
Here is your chance to right your wrongs and experience the aural beauty of Halo.
To begin, the CD comes with a small foldout, giving you a bit of insight into the authors and the music, as well as a few directions to help you on your way to becoming an adept Bungie fan.
Also, to calm the worries of Xbox owners, there is no data on the disc; so you can play it and rip it to your hard drive whenever you wish.
The music itself is a recomposition of the most dramatic scores in the game, with only a smattering of the transitional music. Which means only the good stuff. Also, the music had to be recombined from it's origional 'freeform' version. Now the tracks are a good set legnth, and will play as a normal score would; rather than loop or remix themselves as they might have in the game. Many of the scores have been combined into 'Suites' containing many smaller tracks from the game, giving the music fluidic transitions that only serve to enhance the experience. Another important point is that the in-game music was somewhat sparser, because it's job was to blend in with the game. The album version, on the other hand, has been spruced up in some slow areas - giving Halo veterans a richer experience than they would expect. Finally, the album includes tracks played only at the Halo expositions at Gamespot and E3; as well as other pieces that were not used in the game, or were hard to find...
The music itself is a broad-range of taste. Transitioning from charged pieces found in 'Brothers in Arms', to the guitar riffs of 'Rock Anthem for Saving the World', and the melodic spell of 'Ambient Wonder'. And anyone who has an afinity to cultural drumbeats will love the soundtrack, which manages to blend electronicly generated sounds with them to further a wonderful piece.
The only track which seems to deviate from perfection is 'Shadows'. It's strong guitar sounds challenge the rest of the album, and may come as a jolt to anyone listening for relaxation. It does however provide a upbeat after the darker music in tracks such as Suite Autumn and the Library Suite, particularly dark levels in the game which were matched with equally cryptic music.
For music lovers, this is a must have at a resonable price. From energetic bursts to get you going, to trance-inducing melodies, and reminiscent pieces to help you contemplate. It features music for almost any occasion, and will provide unequalled awe for anyone who has never played the game. It may even provoke you to buy an Xbox and Halo: Combat Evolved.
For gamers, this will invoke memories of the levels and lessons learned in the stunning game from Bungie. The beautiful vistas of 'Halo', the alien halls of 'The tru7h and Reconcilliation', the amazing tank run in 'Assault on the Control Room', and the fear induced by '343 Guilty Spark'. This music highlights both the places you've been and the places you haven't.
For Bungie fans, this CD is a must-have. The message behind SABABWL, the music from Halo at E3, and an hour of memories from Bungie's latest work of genius. What's there not to like?
Final Note: The music totals to well over 60 minutes of tunes, more than enough time to listen to on a drive to work, or to help pass the time durring some tedious chore. Whatever your intentions, the Halo Soundtrack CD is a great piece of work that will please everyone.
Make the right choice, buy this CD, and learn the Tru7h.

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