
Dogz 5 Review

Dogz 5
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Okay, here it goes. Petz 5 is by far the best of all the other Petz Cd's!
The breedz are wonderful, especially my little German Shephard puppy named Rochelle. Here are the names of all the new breedz (sorry if I'm missing any) German Shephard, Pappilion, Golden Retriever, Jack Russell, and Pug. I haven't got Catz 5 yet, but I here there is some wonderful new breedz in that game too.
There are over 100 new toys you can win and find in playscenes (you store all of them in the Supply Case) The mini-games can be challenging, but sooner or later you'll win them. My favorite game so far is Rock-Paper-Scissors. Other people might find the mini-games childish, but even my grandma loves them.
There are tons of new clothes too. In some Playscenes, there is even a Host Character (for example, Jolly Roger, a full-grown Bulldog comes out to play with your dogz in South Seas Island) Some people have been spreading rumors that you don't need to feed your dogz on Petz 5. NOT TRUE!!! In fact, there's even a medicine bottle where you can apply medicine to your pet's food and water if they are sick.
If your petz run away, you can go to the Adoption Center and check out the brown bulletin board to see if anyone has found your pet. If there is a note saying your pet has been found you are given one more chance to give your dog/cat a good life.
I give this game five stars, two thumbs up, and four paws up.

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Product Description:
The Dogz are back, in the fifth version of the bestselling Petz family of products from Ubi Soft. Now Petz lovers can enjoy multiple litterz of Puppyz, new weather effects, and day and night cycles in graphically updated play scenes including five new places to play with your Dogz.
The Catz and Dogz virtual Petz product lines have sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, while spawning a huge community of loyal Petz owners. Dogz and Catz live on your computer desktop, from little Puppyz and Kittenz, you raise them as they grow, play, and learn together. When they grow up, many will start families of their own. Petz look to you for care, guidance, and training. For every Petz you adopt, you'll get to sign an Adoption Pledge promising to be a good Petz owner. Make sure your Dogz and Catz get plenty of healthy food, exercise, play time--and lots of love from you! Tasty treatz are one way to reward your Petz for good behavior, just don't overdo it. Use the spray bottle to keep particularly naughty Petz in line. Your Petz will run away if they feel neglected. Please adopt only those Petz you're sure you want and take good care of them.

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