
Demon's Souls Review

Demon's Souls
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Note: There are additions to the review below my original review.

I wanted to provide a review, but I see that most of the others have already addressed most of what this game is all about. This review is based off of the "Deluxe Edition," which differs from the regular edition in that it includes an official strategy guide and a slip cover case that houses the game and strategy guide. The game is exactly the same in both versions.

Demon's Souls is a worthwhile experience in itself, and I highly urge any who are on the fence about it to at least give it a rental. It's a game that one will need to play through more than once in order to feel as though the game has been completed. Read other reviews for details into all of the aspects of the game.

I am going to focus my attention on the "extras" provided with the deluxe version. Is the strategy guide worth the extra $10? As somebody who did not play the import versions of Demon's Souls (many people here have), I can safely endorse the purchase of the deluxe version in order to get the strategy guide. For one, it's beautiful. There was much effort in organizing the art and text in a concise and useful way. It's very easy on the eyes. Each walkthrough section has pictures to go along with the walkthrough instructions, which is helpful. It runs 159 pages and is as big as the game case - not bulky at all. Even though it is small, it does not look or feel cheaply made. Here are the topics considered in the table of contents:

Introduction, Class & Gender, Character Building Guide, Survival Guide, Non-Player Characters, Merchants, Living Body and Soul Form, World Tendency and Character Tendency, Demon's Souls Usage, Magic Guide, Weapons Guide, Weapons Upgrades, Armor, Rings, Items, Enemies, Crystal Lizards, Quirks & Tricks, Trophy Guide, Online Mode Guide, Leveling Guide, Walkthrough (Worlds 1-5), End Game, Perfect Run Walkthrough

There are a couple drawbacks to the strategy guide. Demon's Souls has been out for awhile in Japan, Korea and China. This means that there are already plenty of online resources that discuss just about everything provided in the paperback guide. The guide does not provide illustrated maps of each level, which would have been icing on the cake. This is especially true since the game does not have any sort of mapping system. It would have been nice if the guide were a bit fatter - more detailed descriptions - but sufficed to say, this is a small gripe considering that all items, weapons, rings, monsters, and NPCs got descriptions and pictures to go along with them. It's a blessing and a curse because there is always a want for more content, but an efficient guide is also desirable. This strategy guide is efficient to say the least.

Again, I recommend the "Deluxe Version" even though the only real difference is the strategy guide. If you have no need for a tangible guide then there are online resources that definitely match the content. However, the guide is organized, in full color, and there are pictures that go along with the walkthroughs, items, monsters and other aspects of the game. Most online walkthroughs/guides I have looked at do not provide these things, and the ones that do are not in the same league as the guide provided with the deluxe version.

In summary, the guide is NOT necessary, but it is useful and convenient. Hope this helps!

*Edit:A few additions to the review.It was brought to my attention that the cover of the guide, most noticeably the spine, fades easily.I found that both the spine and front cover have begun that process.

The information in the guide is still very good.However, after much use of the walkthrough I can honestly say that it's not as extensive as I initially thought it was.It covers the essentials for getting main items and tackling bosses, but it does not cover most items that can be found in each level - it does note which levels all items are located, but the walkthrough section skips over where to find them.The walkthrough also minimizes boss battles in some cases and I found myself deviating heavily from the boss guide.Again, it's still a very good guide overall, but do not expect it to have an answer for everything in the game.If you want to get the main, most powerful items, this guide is definitely for you.

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Product Description:
Beautiful, compelling, and at times unforgiving, Demon's Souls is the hardcore RPG experience PS3 owners have been waiting for since the platform's launch. Revolutionary online features define your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Unprecedented in its depth and subtlety, peerless in its relentlessly challenging gameplay, Demon's Souls is the ultimate action RPG. The game features:

- A hardcore RPG challenge

- In this brutal land, death is inevitable, but not final. Combining the best features of an action game and RPG, you'll slice, smash, shoot, and cast magic against some of the most horrible, vicious enemies ever encountered. Are you strong enough to face up to the impossible and win?

- Ground-breaking online capabilities

- Network features go far beyond any previous RPG, allowing players to leave hints for each other, replay death scenes, cooperatively revive dead players, or invade and wreak havoc in another's game. Not merely an add-on feature, multiplayer options are vast, and uniquely focused on changing and intensifying the single player experience.

- Freeform and flexible

- The open-ended structure of the game means that there is no single path, but rather a wealth of options. Set your own pace and progress as you like. Build exactly the character you want by creating a detailed avatar, nurturing the right stats, and customizing your skills and equipment.

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