
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Review

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Average Reviews:

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As promised I'd post an actual review of the game after beating it to a pulp.
Needless to say that this is an amazing game with a gripping story, and defintely a worthy sequal.To say that it has perfect top notch graphics and music that will blow you away. Not to mention its great character development and plot twists.
I won't give away any of the story where as to me (and a lot of other people) this game has some of the best Plot twist in history.All I will say is that the game is divided into two parts.The "Tanker" chapter and the "Plant" chapter.They both link in everyway and you can see if you play through the game.
The characters are a true treat in this game.There are several new characters introduced and they all have their own reasons for being where they are.However the main villian...compared to Liquid Snake isn't the best.Next to Kefka (FFVI) Liquid was probably the best villian of all time.In comparison, the main villian didn't live up to Liquid.
The music is breathtaking done by Harry Gregson-Williams (The Rock and Enemy of the State if you don't know him).The music will really catch you, and that intro music is just awesome!
I'm not much for graphics but I will say that the graphics are so good that when watching the cinema scenes they look like real people!Can't go wrong with that.Also, the voice acting is sheer brilliance.They actually show emotion and they have a change in tone when they're upset or sad.
It'll take you about 10-15 hours to complete the game your first time through but it is worth it.However, movie cinemas make up at least six hours of the game.This may bother some people as they said the first one was short. Sorry to say that the game is NOT short.But that means you actually HAVE TO WATCH THE CGs!!!!Also, watching the CGs is the only way to understand anything thats going on.
The game doesn't really present any BIG challenge.In fact with the new gear and stuff you can do I'd say it makes the game EASIER than the first (is that possible!?).To say the least though the new gear isn't much different from the old gear in MGS.
Lastly the fun factor.The game is very fun if you don't take it too seriously.What I mean by that is don't be ashsmaed to break some of the stealth rules and have fun with the guards every once and awhile.That was the funnest part of the first one.
One final note.In the HARD and EXTREME difficulty setting you can choose to have a game over if you're spotted.Being that you take so much damage I'd probaly suggest that you take that oppertunity on EXTREME.
Graphics: 10

Plot/Story: 10
Music: 10
Gameplay: 9
Fun Factor: 10
Overall score: 9.9
You won't be disappointed

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Product Description:
One of the most anticipated titles in PlayStation2 history absolutelylives up to the hype. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is thefollow-up to one of the most captivating and intelligent adventures on the originalPlayStation. Solid Snake, everyone's favorite mullet-sporting supersoldier, isback, along with many other familiar faces and voices. While its predecessor waslauded for telling a complex story, this sequel has even more fascinating twistsand turns. Also, likeMetal Gear Solid,MGS2 takes console-game storytelling to an entirely new level withstunning in-game movies, great graphics, and game mechanics that let you findyour own solutions to challenges. The game's twisting and at times bizarre plotwill undoubtedly keep some gamers perplexed.
Konami has replaced the moronic enemies from the first MGS with morecerebral and capable foes; this causes an even greater emphasis on stealth thanthe original. The controls have been refined and Snake's repertoire of moves hasgrown, significantly deepening the gameplay. This is, technically andstylistically, one of the best-looking PS2 games on the market. The sound isalso topnotch, with a fabulous score and outstanding voice acting. What makesthis game such a standout, however, is how all of these sight, sound, and storyelements combine to immerse the player into an entertainment form somewherebetween movie and game. It will be years before Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons ofLiberty is surpassed. This is interactive entertainment at its finest.--Raymond M. Padilla

    One of the best and most complex stories in gaming
    Outstanding graphics with many interactive elements
    Excellent soundtrack and voice acting

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