
Digimon World 2 Review

Digimon World 2
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Digimon World 2 is so good I love it.It is so much better than Digimon World 1.In Digimon World 2 you do not need to worry about feeding your digimon or any of that.There are a lot more digimon than in the first and some of the digimons digivolutions are like the ones in the show. Instead being able to do anything you want like in the first game it is more controlled and more like a RPG.When you first start out you have Triceramon, Megaseadramon and Lillymon for your first quest. Then you get to pick a digimon of your choose by going to a different HQ like for Demi Devimon(The one I got) you go to Black Sword HQ, for Patamon you go to Blue Falcon HQ and for Agumon you go to Silver Cross HQ. And one of the many good things about this game is that you get to capture digimon. Thanks for hearing what I have to say.

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Product Description:
Can you, with the help of your Digimon partners, save the city and become Master Tamer? Digimon World 2 features three-on-three 3-D polygon battles; DNA Digivolving, which allows players to combine Digimon; a new Mega level; a Digi-Beetle transport that holds more than 12 Digimon; and more than 200 Digimon characters with which to form alliances or wage battles. Players can use a memory card to save the game anytime, regardless of their place among the game's levels.

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