
Sony Playstation Network Card - $50 Review

Sony Playstation Network Card - $50
Average Reviews:

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I purchase this card and I sent it from amazon to Costa Rica, because I want the Map Pack 1, 2 and 3($9.99 each) from the Call of Duty WAW.

I tried to buy dollars to my wallet in the PlayStation Store (in my ps3 slim) with my credit card, that have the billing address in LA, California, but it didn't work any way.

So, I purchase it and now I can play the 3 map packs. There is true that we need to spend more money($5-6 to shipping, $3 taxes, $7 to bring to CR: $65 total) to get this card, but is the only way to get some add-on, games, themes or something else in the outside of US like Latinoamerica.

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Product Description:
The Sony Playstation Network Card can be used to download games, movies, and more from the Playstation Store. In the past, a credit card was required for purchases from the Playstation Store. With the new Playstation Network Cards, users can shop the Playstation Store without needing a credit card. These cards can be used in the Playstation Store on both the PC and the online browser of the Playstation 3.

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