
Runaway Dream of the Turtle 2 Review

Runaway Dream of the Turtle 2
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I really enjoy the Runaway series. I originally got into them because Adventure Games of this type are very rare these days. Games like Broken Sword, Full Throttle, Kings Quest, ect all games that I thought were really amazing games that held my attention. So far both Runaway games have done a wonderful job of keeping me glued to my computer. The graphics are really pleasing to look at. The story is wonderful, and a nice thing about the sequel is, they bring back characters from the first game. However they do it in such a wonderful way, that even if you've never played the first one, your not going to be completely lost as to whats happening. I am very pleased with the company who makes this series, and am looking forward to the 3rd Runaway game. It's very rare to see a video game company that actually cares about putting out a quality game, rather then just something thats just gonna turn a profit. The people who make the Runaway games are a dying breed, and have my loyalty as a gamer for the simple fact that they are in tune with what players like me really want.

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Product Description:
Humor, hotties, hijinks and a hilarious plotline all combine to make Runaway: Dream of the Turtle a fantastically fun adventure. Players travel the world, from Alaska and Hawaii to the depths of the sea and the sky above. A groovin' soundtrack combined with a colorful animation style provide the game with a charisma and charm rarely seen in adventure titles.

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