
Reload: Target Down Review

Reload: Target Down
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I received Reload for the Wii as a gift.As a life-long gun enthusiast and video game player, I was totally stoked to play this.This game has tons of different types of target shooting, ranging from simple target ranges, to full on police training levels, even shooting from a moving vehicle in a few levels.Skeet shooting gets a bit unrealistic sometimes.There are just too many clays in the air at a time sometimes.Still fun though. It has some of the best known civilian and military hardware to choose from.I can play this with the kids in the room too.There is no blood and guts like so many recent shooting games.Nothing ever dies.You lose by not scoring high enough, by hitting too many of the wrong targets, or by missing too many targets that shoot paintballs at you.It's very pretty for a Wii game as well.My friend that gave this to me told me it was only $20.A fun to play, nice looking target shooting game for only $20? Sign me up.I would've bought this for myself even if my friend hadn't bought it for me.

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Product Description:
Hone your skills to perfection with Reload! You'll need split-second reflexes and nerves of steel to complete your training in Hostage Rescue, Sniping, VIP Protection, and Olympic Style Shooting. Learn to identify enemy threats in the blink of an eye, distinguish them from civilians, and take them down. Compete against the world using exclusive Online Leaderboards, or grab some friends and compete in person with up to 4 players for 120+ medals and achievements. Reload features over 25 real world weapons, accessories, and authentic training targets! No human targets or blood!

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