
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (includes Mysteries of the Sith) Review

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Average Reviews:

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The thing that's realy great about this set is that you get three CDs worth of games.You get the original Dark Forces II game that has quite abit of gameplay, PLUS the Mysteries of the Sith game that is almost as longas Jedi Knight.For the price you get a LOT of playing time.
Jedi Knightfollows the path of Kyle Katarn, an ex-Imperial soldier turned rebel.Hisfather was murdered and as the game progresses you learn the truth aboutyour family and learn the ways of the force.
One of the interestingtwists of Jedi Knight is that your alignment towards the dark side or thelight side is determined by how many innocent people you kill or by certainmoral decisions you make as the game progresses.You shape your owndestiny and at the end of it all your decisions determine how the storyturns out.
On the second game, Mysteries of the Sith, you primarialy playMara Jade... although you also spend time in Kyle Katarn's shoes onceagain.Much likes its predecessor you find yourself once again goingagainst the Empire before they destroy a Rebel base and ruin all hope theRebellion has against defeating the Imperial forces.From there you embarkon a search to find the lost Kyle Katarn and find your way through anamazingly twisted and trap ridden Sith Temple.
The thing that sets thesegames apart from most first person shooters is that you do more than runaround and kill things.You have to make moral decisions, solve puzzles,and use tactics to your advantage.By the first hour or so of gameplayyou'll easily lose yourself.
And finally, as an extra special bonus thereis a hidden level on the Mysteries of the Sith CD of Cloud City that allowsyou to follow in Luke's footsteps from Empire strikes Back.

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Product Description:
Single or multiplayer gameplay over modern network or Internet. 9 multiplayer levels. All new realistic 3D environments with animated 3D characters in 21 heart-stopping levels. Encounter 7 Dark Jedi, each possessing unique powers. Train to become a Jedi Knight - master the elegant lightsaber and learn four special apprentice abilities. Climb Catwalks, look and shoot up and down, jump off ledges, wade through garbage. Special BONUS - Includes Mysteries of the Sith.

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