
Razer Orochi Bluetooth Notebook Gaming Mouse Review

Razer Orochi Bluetooth Notebook Gaming Mouse
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I purchased this mouse after having lag issues with my Microsoft Mobile Memory Mouse over bluetooth.The MS mouse would lag behind my movements.Really bad when using my bluetooth headset on Skype or MS communicator.The Orochi totally fixed that issue for me! :)I recently bought a Razer Naga and was convinced of the quality of their mice.This is definitely a Razer mouse.Things you expect like a braided cable for wired mode, solid construction and the soft matte finish on the top with glossy sides are all there.

In thinking of a good way to review this mouse I realized a pattern.What I thought was my mobile mouse wish-list turned out to not be quite what I really wanted.The design of the Orochi had the features I didn't know I wanted.

It is a little larger than my previous mobile mouse, BUT it sits better in the hand and is more comfortable in long term use.
It isn't specifically ergonomically designed for right hand use, BUT the excellent ambidextrous design ends up feeling like it was custom designed for whatever hand you use.
It isn't rechargeable, BUT the AA batteries last longer.
The battery compartment is under the top buttons and not on the bottom, BUT it attaches via 3 magnets and is much easier to open/close.
Sure LEDs eat battery power, BUT they come on only when you move the mouse and go off when you stop (this is really fun to watch haha!) - note: you can also disable them for maximum battery life

There are a few key things to know when choosing this mouse

1) When not in wired mode the polling rate and dpi can not go as high.This is due to the bluetooth protocol design and not Razer's.They could have used a custom dongle like on the Mamba, but that would mean something else to carry and use to have wireless connectivity.Bluetooth was a good tradeoff.If you want ultimate performance, plug in the cable.You've got it in your included carrying case right?

2) The mouse's settings are stored on the mouse itself (very cool).If you want to reprogram them you have to plug in the cable.Again a tradeoff for bluetooth.Not bad, just something to be aware of.You can have 5 application profiles which change according to the game/app in use (or manually).

3) There are two buttons on each side.The ones on the opposite side from your thumb are not so easy to reach in the heat of action.This however allows for the ambidextrous design.By default these step through your pre-defined dpi sensitivity stages and are well designed to stay that way or use for actions you don't need as frequently.

I'm grasping to think of any real "con" against this mouse.If I had to say two things I would like changed it would be:Make it so the wheel can both ratchet and free-scroll (I got used to free scrolling when not gaming) and have the side buttons not recess quite so far as the bottom edge of the top matte part is kind of sharp.

If you are looking for a portable sized gaming mouse or have a Razer on your desktop already and want to take the experience with you pick one up!

Small update:
I just got my Kabuto mouse surface and I noticed that the on/off switch on the bottom of the mouse is a bit loose in the on position.This won't make it accidentally turn off, but it does make it jostle around a little on a surface that isn't perfectly flat (the kabuto is a bit bumpy from being rolled up in the package).This doesn't affect the mouse use or performance at all, just makes a little rattling noise when mousing.

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Product Description:
The Razer Orochi brings mobile gaming mouse standards to new heights with its small form factor and bleeding-edge technology. Equipped with a gaming-grade laser sensor and dual mode wired/wireless functionality, the Razer Orochi uses Bluetooth technology to address your need for portability and ease of use with a wired mode option for gaming grade performance.

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