
Danube Front - Windows Review

Danube Front - Windows
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From the slopes of the Alps to the shores of the Baltic, this game envisions and attempts to recreate a theoretical (thank God) conflict set in 1985 between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It's got it all-- nukes, chemicals, assault helicopters, airborne divisions, modern (well, for then) mechanized warfare involving every country from Poland to Belgium-- at a battalion/regiment level. The game verges on the edge of unplayable due to it's sheer size (I took three days to play two turns against the computer), but it IS indeed playable-- the game system itself is actually pretty simple and a lot of fun. There are a host of smaller campaigns focusing on portions of the battlefield (Berlin, for instance) and some introductory scenarios to acquaint you with the game system, but it's the theaterwide mega-campaign that is the crown jewel of this package. Definitely worth the money! Two thumbs up!

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Product Description:
There are 48 Scenarios, covering not only the Danube Basin region but also representing battles for Berlin, AFNorth (Schleswig-Holstein & Denmark) and north Austria. The Grand Campaign covers the main Warsaw Pact assault into Western Europe. A series of illustrated Historical Documents written by Marc Bellizzi provide one possibility of how a war in the region might have unfolded. Using declassified documents as well as the US Army's Soviet Area Studies Office estimate of a Warsaw Pact invasion, Marc has detailed with orders, briefings, battle maps and graphic overlays a realistic portrayal of how the Warsaw Pact would attack, and NATO defend. The Campaign scenario covers the first 30 days of the offensive and breakthrough until the time the offensive loses momentum. Smaller scenarios cover specific actions and situations. Many scenarios have a special play-by-email version where conditions such as supply, release of reserves, and victory levels have been altered for play balance. The rebuilt Order of Battle is a real shining facet of the game. Glenn, Blackie, Marc and others spent the better part of an entire year gathering data and seeking out sources to bring you what we feel is one of the most accurate and up-to date examples of the forces available to each of the sides in the region for an operational game. Because the Armies of each side were in a state of flux in 1985, an Order of battle and a scenario editor are included which allow players to customize the game. There's no limit on the scenarios that can be created and the sub-map feature allows the main map to be "chopped up" into the size that best fits the situation.New game effects whereby indirect fire is twice as disruptive to HQ units as normalAlso added the ability to highlight a single unit, which allows A/I orders to be given to that unit System Requirements -Pentium-based 500mhz+ PC, 64 MB RAM, 300MB Free Space, Windows 98, 2K, XP, Vist

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