
Earthworm Jim Special Edition Review

Earthworm Jim Special Edition
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I've been a fan of Earthworm Jim for years now. Through out my child-hood this game dogged me to my frustration; anybody whose played knows this is a difficult game even set on easy. But, at age nineteen I bought and played again and again until I was able to beat it, having finally mastered the nasty Tube Race level. I played it so much I eventually got good enough to beat it on hard and die only twice.

Now, being able to play Earthworm Jim in it's entirty I can say this Sega CD classic just plain rocks!
Just about everything that was great about the SNES version has been made better. The levels are longer, there are two bonus levels, one exclusively on the genesis and another one exclusive to the CD and the music has also been re-tooled to sound better. Jim even has a new weapon, a homing rocket, that is a blast to use! Jim's voice even sounds white-trashier, with on an occasional butt-hole suffer kind of accent.

There are, however, a couple of things lacking about the Sega CD version. Sometimes certain sounds or sound effects actually sound worse on this version than they did on the SNES version, and some funny sound effects are also lacking. Professor Monkey-for-a-Head seems to be missing his zany laugh whenever you shoot him, and Peter Puppy's adorable puppy squeal when you whip him is also absent. They did, however put in a slurping sound for when Evil The Cat cleans himself (go figure). The worst of all is the final fight with Queen Slug-for-a-butt. Her screams sound like a rooster being tortured and after a while it gets quite annoying as you just want her to die and shut up.

The music in What the Heck? and Andy Asteroids sounds much improved but sometimes I preferred the SNES music to the Sega CD in some levels, such as Level 5 and Snot a Problem.
The bonus levels, Big Bruty and Intesinal Distress are quite apart from the other levels in being funny and are more creepy than anything.

New Junk City: The improved music is pretty groovy! but the additional section were Jim must brave the dump suitless as a mere worm might give you some trouble.

Andy Asteroids: Much improved banjo-get-away music! There seem to be asteroids and they can be quite difficult to dodge. Prepare to lose to the pot-bellied Psy-Crow more often.

What the Heck?: Best improvment on the music! The level lay out is slightly different and you get your taste of plenty of useful homming missles!

Big Bruty: Very creepy level. Creepy music that sounds more like ambience for a horror movie, giant mosquitos and, of coure, big bruty, a dumb dinosaur that trys to swallow you. Big Bruty sounds like a demented Hyena when he charges you.

Down the Tubes/Tube Race: Not much different here accept for a wavy water effect throughout the level and the music has been changed from the New Junk City theme to the Level 5 theme. Navigating in the submarine feels a little more difficult...

Snot a Problem: Pretty much the same only the music doesn't sound as good as it did on the SNES version.

Level 5: This level is harder than before and features less techno-y sounding music.

For Pete's Sake!: Meteor showers! There's severl more now than just the one! This can be quite difficult.

Intesintal Distress: Very creepy. Like something from a Nine Inch Nails music video.

ButtVille: The last and hardest level of the game. If you beat it on only easy mode you don't get to see the ending. Instead you get a long, butt funny, excuse me, but funny speach about earthworms.

Overall the Sega CD version is a little harder so it's the perfect challenge for Earthworm Jim fans. People who suck at games beware, this is not for you(especially the crybabies who said earthworm jim was too hard!)

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Product Description:
Earthworm Jim makes his biggest leap from the confines of a cartridge to the shiny side of a CD in this Sega CD exclusive upgrade to his first adventure. New features include a new CD Audio soundtrack, bigger levels, more secrets, more weapons, more animation, more enemies and more wackiness ... more hamsters, of course!

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