
Pirates of the Caribbean The Legend of Jack Sparrow Review

Pirates of the Caribbean The Legend of Jack Sparrow
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There are a few sections in this game with annoying glitches.Some controls are a bit tricky to get a hang of and don't always work the first time around.You have to be positioned just so to make some of them work.I'm talking about environmental controls, such as opening chests, turning cranks, etc.The fighting controls couldn't be clearer, and add a lot to the game.It makes it seem like not just a hack-your-way-through-it kind of thing, because you get some good moves to work with (including one where you knee your enemies in a very sensitive spot, which is one we just never play in front of our young son because we don't want to give him ideas!).When Jack gets his bombs and Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann get their hatchets, it's even more fun.Every now and then, and I haven't figured this out, but there's a fish barrel to reload hatchets so that Will and Elizabeth are throwing fish instead of hatchets, but it does the same damage.I'm sure this was just the video game programmers having some fun.

The game is really a lot of fun!If you loved Pirates of the Caribbean and you like video games for their stories and for the fun of playing them instead of for a lot of blood, guts, and sex, you'll really enjoy this game.(In case that wasn't clear, there is no blood, guts, or sex in this game.)

I played for a while before I allowed my son to see the game.After I approved, he and my husband played for quite a long time and had a lot of fun with it.Now I have to sneak to get my play time!

The basic idea of the game is Jack Sparrow telling the events of Pirates of the Caribbean from his own point of view (with some embellishments, of course).In some instances, the other characters even comment on it."I wasn't here!"And my favorite one, when Will Turner started speaking a bunch of lines that were obviously Jack Sparrow kind of talk, and he stopped and said, "What is this you have me saying?"

So this game covers not just the movie, but extra things as well.You get to go to China (by the way: do NOT play the dragon chase scene in co-op mode... we only beat it when we did it single player), fight a pirate called Black Smoke James, and many other fun little extras.

I wish this game had a three player co-op mode!We love video games that make us laugh, and this one definitely does do that.

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