Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)First, I must admit that I am not an avid video gamer, though I have seen others play plenty.I have played very few RPGs and even fewer held myinterest.However, when I played Chrono Trigger on an SNES emulator, I wasenthralled, finishing it within a week.When I discovered its semi-sequelwas coming out, I could hardly wait the ten months for it to be released inthe US.I ordered it in advance in April, received it the Wednesday itcame out, and played it nearly straight through to finish by Fridayevening.60 hours of gameplay and about 15 hours of sleep.To say theleast--it was all worth it.
First, gameplay-- It is one of the bestbattle systems that I have seen.It may seem complicated to begin with,but one becomes quickly accostumed to the strategies and nuances of theidea.In a game of chess, the rules are simple but the possibilities areendless.The same goes for Chrono Cross' element system.In addition,being able to see your enemies on screen allows you to fight when and whereyou want.This is a big advantage if you want to avoid them (if you don'twant to fight piddling monsters) or find them (to retrieve extra spells anditems).Cross pulls this off even better than its predecessor, ChronoTrigger.
Leveling-- I considered this such an important aspect of thegame that I gave it its own category!The reason: you can advance throughthe entire game avoiding nearly all monsters and still beat the game.Notonly is the focus on strategy (the types of spells, colors, and balancebetween physical attacks) in order to defeat bosses, but you only gain statbonuses during about five fights between each boss.Continuing to fightothers can help with items and extra spells, but does no good to"level up" your characters.I thought this a terrific idea. Your characters still become extremely strong towards the end, but notbecause of experience.It doesn't exist.Cross is plot-driven, notlevel-driven.
Storyline-- Speaking of plot, Cross' is pretty good.Itcan get convoluted at times, and having played Trigger is helpful, thoughnot necessary.Characters are surprisingly three-dimensional andeverything fits together if you think about it for long enough.The majorending(s) though, can be dissapointing and because of the plethora ofcharacters, very few of their pasts and conflicts can be resolved.But,all in all, you will enjoy it as mystery after mystery is solved whileother take their places.Like a good book, it's difficult to find a placeto put the controller down--you want to keep going.
Music--Outstanding.Better than many movie soundtracks I've heard, both inquality of composition and sound.I highly reccomend buying the soundtrackto listen to during the day, unless you want to leave your Playstationrunning while doing the dishes.Of course, it would be worth it to dothat, too.It's that good.
Graphics-- The people that made the FMVsequences were the same who did those FFVIII.The graphics ares similar tothose of FFVIII, in battle sequences, exploration, and the movies--but evenbetter.The colors and attention to detail make the entire game simply . .. beautiful. Let the game run and stare at it if you have to, it can be theonly way to appreciate the artwork.Plus, the spells have their ownelegantly simple quality.No spell is too long or extravagent, lettingbattles to continue smoothly.And the detail!When a character pullssomething from her pocket, the movements are very human and real.Theyleave footprints on the beach and the environment casts shadows as you walkthrough a dark cave or brightened room.Every detail draws you furtherinto the Chrono Cross world.
Do not rent this game--you should definitelybuy it.The developers of Chrono Cross claim it can be beaten in 35 hours. They're lying.It took me 67 hours total, including the few times I hadto go back to an old save point.And that does not include the amount oftime I will spend in the future finding the multiple endings and otherstoryline branches.(They are a total of 6 different paths you can take,each very different and effecting the outcome of the game)Buy thisamazing title for your Playstation and give Square a hand.Or even bow. They deserve all the respect you can give for this fine game.
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Product Description:
Featuring a story line developed by the creator of "Chrono Trigger" and "Xenogears" Chrono Cross has been christened the "Best RPG Creation" by its development team.Format: PSX Genre:RPG (VG)/Rating:T - Teen UPC:662248900087 Manufacturer No:9780
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