
American Girl: Julie Finds a Way Review

American Girl: Julie Finds a Way
Average Reviews:

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I gave this to my daughters (ages 9 and 6) yesterday as an early Christmas present. They got it when they got home from school and did not want to quit playing it. They said it is a lot of fun. The 6-year old had a little bit of trouble with some of the reading of tasks you were supposed to perform, but once someone helped her with the hard words, she was able to complete the tasks. If you have a daughter that likes American Girl dolls and DS games, this is a great combination.

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Product Description:
American Girl comes to the DS with a new girl who's got a whole new story to tell. Julie Albright is a 9 year old girl growing up in the United States in 1975. Play as Julie at the time of America's bicentennial (1975-1976) following the American Girl: Julie series of books.
Local Multiplayer for up to 2 players, which includes minigames that can be shared with only one game cardESRB Rated E for Everyone

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