
USAF Review

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I spent hours playing USNF97 Viet Nam era missions, so I was eager to boot up Janes USAF.At first blush, this game looks terrific.With the appropriately sarcasticCol. "Scooter" Davis as your IP, you go through training at Nellis.In my case I flew most missions in the F-105 "Thud".Once through training, I started to fly some of the pre-set VN missions.
Here are the problems I see in this game that distract greatly from its overall rating.
1)Air launched missiles, Sparrow, Shrike and Sidewinder are 100% accurate.I had my setting at "Realistic".Reading of this era combat details how notorious the Sparrow was for just falling off the rails.If you launch, you will get a kill.
2)The worst problem, your wingman are ineffective. In flying a mission against the Paul Doumer bridge, I've taken 100% casualities most of the time, that is MigCap, Weasel and Strike aircraft all get shot down.Some of these are just crashing into the ground.I know it was rough and those men who flew the missions had a lot of guts, but in the game it is almost impossible to have a successful mission because the rest of team does not do their job.
3) The published patch is suppose to fix some of the A/I problems.However I have tried about half a dozen times and can't get it load.
4)For some reason the maps in the mission generator won't load.I have yet to figure this one out.
I really want to like this game.It is good for a couple of weeks, but does not seem to have the long term interest of EAW, Mig Alley or MSCS2-Pacific.

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