
Empire Earth Expansion: The Art of Conquest Review

Empire Earth Expansion: The Art of Conquest
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The expansion adds a new era to Empire Earths 100,000s years, adding a new level of game play and diversity into this already great game. It also adds far more greater eye candy and improvements into the already evolved game play; example farms are no longer corn only;they offer a diversity of fruits/vegetables and now Custom Civilizations Offer special abilities for your Empire in General; Ranging from Slavery, To expansionism, to A Market (AOK anyone?) to cloaking and Insurance. It also offers specialized units Such as the Cyber ninja , SAS commando and Paratroopers.The ninja can disable temporarily building productions , while on the other hand SAS commandos can set charges on things C n C style, and finally paratroopers are tossed from a plane (8 of them) to assist softening the defenses for a full scale attack. A new terrain also is introduced; Mars, this inhospitable planet is the zone for your allies and you to create an empire to rule them all. I believe this is one of the few great expansions that introduce more ups then downs. Must have for EE lovers.

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Product Description:
The Art of Conquest expansion pack for Empire Earth includes three new single-player campaigns set in ancient Rome, the Pacific theater of World War II, and Asia in the 22nd century. In addition, each of the 21 predesigned civilizations in the game gains a unique power, building, or unit. Examples include: the Kingdom of Italy's metallurgy power, which allows it to pay building costs with gold or iron interchangeably; Great Britain's S.A.S. unit which can plant demolitions and swim across water; and the United States' market building which allows that civilization to trade abundant resources for scarce ones.
The Art of Conquest expansion also features significant new multiplayer functionality. The multiplayer improvements further enhance Empire Earth's wide array of online gameplay options, and give more flexibility to gamers competing via the Internet.
Empire Earth and Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest cover over 500,000 years of human history, from the discovery of fire to laser battles of the future. Each player takes control of a fledgling civilization and strives to forge the greatest of all empires.

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