
Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty Expansion Pack Review

Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty Expansion Pack
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Though it has yet to come out, it is the most anticipated expansion pack coming out. Asheron's Call (issued in 1999), was the turning point for many MMRPGS. Asheron's Call brings infinate entertainment, excitement, and awe with their great graphics, monthly update ( including new content for the players), allegiance systems, quests, and more. Dark Majesty, will add even more to it.
Dark Majesty brings the current players, as well as new-comers, Housing, new lands never before seen, new Quests, and updated graphics to make your 3D card work as hard as it can. This is a great buy and will be great once it arrives. For those of you interested? GET IT! BUT, beware! Once you enter Asheron's Call:Dark Majesty...you may be forever addicted...
-Beregond (Thistledown)

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