
Call of Duty Review

Call of Duty
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World War II shooters are everywhere these days. Wolfenstein, Metal of Honor, and even cheap knock-offs have flooded the market lately. Many of the best have found their way onto the Mac (...) and one in particular has garnered high praise.

Call of Duty is a popular team-oriented shooter that puts you in the roles of American, British, and Russian elite soldiers united against Nazi Germany. It takes a very patriotic approach and emphasizes realism in atmosphere, equipment, and missions.

That emphasis is evident throughout the game. Campaign briefings and mission load screens feature authentic orders, photos, and maps. Each time you die in-game you are presented a quote about the nature of war, each of which inspires you to try again or imparts some truth.

The game is very immersive and often feels like a movie. The opening cinematic is a good example and sets the patriotic theme immediately - "many nations unite... one goal... Berlin." Characters seem like actors with lots of dialog and great use of body language.

There are even effects borrowed from war movies. If you are near an explosion - an incoming mortar round, being in the same room as a grenade, or having a tank zero-in on your pillbox - you'll experience a stun effect like those seen on the big screen. If you're lucky enough to survive, that is! Things will get very quiet and you'll find yourself prone, moving slowly, and suffering from blurred vision.

The realism applies to behavior too. Soldiers jump over walls, take cover, and hold their helmets convincingly. The designers did draw a line, though. There is blood when a bullet hits a man, but the violence is not gratuitous. The more gross ugliness of war is omitted; expanding the game's audience emphasizing more important messages.

The most blatant of those messages is that "in the war that changed the world, no one fought alone." Teamwork is critical and Call of Duty drives this point home by making reckless attacks, and other techniques common to most first-person shooters, absolutely fatal.

In order to succeed you have to support, and be supported by, the members of your squad. They will ask for covering fire and if you don't provide it, they won't be alive to do you the same favor next time.

Teamwork is just as important to success online. A single shot doesn't always kill, but it's close. So it's good to have suppressing fire and often the only way to be certain of victory is to coordinate superior numbers. Unfortunately there are no vehicles (I won't give up Battlefield 1942 quite yet) but they're coming in the upcoming United Offensive expansion pack. In the mean time, fixed machine guns do add a little variety.

The multiplayer action is fast-paced and the maps are interesting, balanced, and quick to load. There's even a great feature called "kill cam." When you die, you immediately watch a replay of the last few seconds from the perspective of your killer - that'll teach ya!

Call of Duty features fabulous graphics and performance even on lower-end machines, teaches real lessons about war and history, emphasizes team work, and captivates with it's cinematic presentation. Not only that, but several difficulty settings, unlimited approaches to each mission, and expandable and addictive online play gives this game awesome replay value! It won't be coming out of my dock anytime soon!

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Product Description:
Call Of Duty brings to life the power and drama of life on the frontlines of global war! Exciting 32-person multiplayer action via LAN or InternetDeveloped by the team that originated the award-winning Medal Of Honor series, for the most immersive & realistic WWII game yet!

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