
Lords of Magic: Special Edition (Jewel Case) Review

Lords of Magic: Special Edition
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Right up front, you need to know that this is not an easy game.Video jocks who play all those fast paced (and basically brainless) real time strategy games will probably not go for this one.However, thoughtfullplayers with some tactical skill who like a real challenge will find thisgame very rewarding.
The heart of the game is its tactical combat system,which is by far the best that I've seen in any fantasy game.Maneuverplays a big part in it:Using your faster units to circle around and hityour opponent's archers.Using your slower melee units to screen yourarchers from his troops.Using the terrain to set up "killzones" that you can lure your opponent into.It will take a littlegetting used to, so expect to loose your first few battles until you figureout how things work.
The game has an interesting variety of units andspells, and a particularly nice selection of artifacts that you can find indungeons and such.
The strategic level is good but not great. You collectresources, you build things, you research spells, same as in most games. One nice addition is the ability of high level characters to train newunits, letting them start off with some experience.This solves theproblem that occurs in so many games of this type, where new units startinglate in the game are basically hopeless.
The two real weaknesses in thegame are1.A very limited diplomatic engine.There are a total of eightpowers in the game, but your options for peacefull interaction with theother seven are pretty limited. 2.Weak AI players, at least on thestrategic levels.Some of the computer players do absolutely suicidalthings, like walking their undefended leader up to one of your strongholds. Even the toughest, Balkoth Lord of Death, isn't nearly as aggressive as heshould be.
Overall, this is a challenging but very interesting game thatplayers with some tactical skill will really enjoy.
Oh, and one fast notefor new players: The hardest part of the game is the opening.To maximizeyour survival chances, make your starting character a wizard of life, thenon your first four turns, attack four level one dungeons.Then use allyour resources to hire mercenaries and attack the great temple.

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Product Description:
The Lords of Magic Special Edition combines the turn-based exploration and real-time combat of the enhanced Lords of Magic with the all-new Legends of Urak Quest Pack.

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