
Alpha Centauri Review

Alpha Centauri
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I write this review well over a year after the game came out simplybecause I have to reiterate to those that may not have the game how greatit actually is. I say this, because even after a year, I am still playingAlpha Centauri. There are not very many games that interest me 3 monthsafter I beat them, much less a year. It is so satisfying on so manydifferent levels that whenever I need a break from another game, I'll spenda couple days exploring Alpha Centauri again. There are several differentways to win. You can conquer the planet through military might, be electedSupreme Leader by the Planetary Council, Corner the Energy (the gamescurrency) market, or the Ascent to Transendence, which is basically themost technologically advanced faction. Such parameters allow for variedstyles. Want to beat your neighbor senseless? OK. Are you sneaky and wantto forment revolts? You can do that to. Or you can buy off votes in theplanetary council with cash or technologies. But it is many of the smallthings that make this game shine. Alliances actually work - your friendswill help you when you need it, cut you off if you stab them in the back,and grow suspicious if you become to powerful. You can give away cities toreward a faithful vassal or pacify an enemy. If you commit atrocitiesagainst an enemy they will fight you to the last man. However, if you are anoble enemy, they will submit to your will and become your vassals. Suchsmall details are glorious in the otherwise "kill 'em all" worldof computer gaming. My few complaint with the games are niggling. On thehigher difficulty levels it seems you are battling with a hostile planetrather than smarter enemies - which seems a copout for what is otherwise arobust AI. Also, the end game can really drag. If you have conquered two orthree other factions and have a ton of cities to manage, a turn can take upto half an hour to manage everything. These small things aside, AlphaCentauri is brilliant game design at work. After a year I only wish othergame designers had taken a look at some of the options the Firaxis teamoffered.

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