
Tales of Destiny Review

Tales of Destiny
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I've played too many games to even remember most of em' and I decided to buy Tales of Destiny due to an urge to have a new RPG. I wasn't sure of what to expect, I thought it'd probably be some lame no name chance out ofnowhere like Tecmo's Secret of the Stars. But then I played it, now thisgame hit me pretty hard considdering what my idea of it was. I couldn'tstop playing, I played this unique battle system and the storyline until Icouldn't stay awake. I played this game for two and a half days streight. Ididn't even do this for Final Fantasy 7 or Suikoden, this is a game thatyou wanna play more and more of. very powerful plot indeed but the graphicswere certainly weak, I mean they were pretty bad(not as bad a Lunar SilverStar Story Complete's but still pretty weak.) However the music was thebest part about the game I think that it beat out any other game's music.Most games have their strongpoints and that's it. Xenogears has the bestplot I've ever seen. Suikoden has the best battle system I ever seen. FinalFantasy 8 has the best graphics I've ever seen.But Tales of Destiny havethem all balanced out(cept the graphics). I'd reccomend this game toanybody accept the people who only play a game for it's graphics. ~Seth~

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