
DS WiFi USB Adapter Review

DS WiFi USB Adapter
Average Reviews:

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I'm not the best at writing reviews so bare with me.This little device is a great addition to your DS.First off you need to have something more that a Dial-up connection for it to work, trust me if you've tried playing any online game with Dial-up you'll know what I mean.What it does is allow you to excess your friends or random people using a Friend Code (which you get per game I believe, I've only used it with Animal Crossing so far so I don't know about more games), you give it to your friends or post online whatever floats your boat and then you play your game with a connection open to your Wifi.In Animal Crossing people will end up coming to your town or goto your town, in Mario Kart you have races etc.I would highly suggest getting Animal Crossing: Wild World or Mario Kart with this if you don't already have it.Thanks for reading this.

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Product Description:
The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector is a Nintendo-dedicated wireless access point that plugs into the USB port on a PC (Windows XP or Windows Vista* only) to provide wireless access for DS and Wii game systems. It was discontinued by Nintendo in 2007 and is difficult to find.

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