
GreatPlanes Realflight G3.5 R/C Flight Simulator Review

GreatPlanes Realflight G3.5 R/C Flight Simulator
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Model RC flying is just something you either enjoy tremendously or disdain completely. For those of us that enjoy it, nothing could be more daunting a task than taking our pristine polished birds of flight up into those scary skies. Even though I am a certified private pilot, I can still recall the first time I flew my first trainer RC model plane. It was just a few years ago and I had been flying the original version of Realflight for a few months before the maiden flight. Along with my best friend and experienced RC pilot, we trekked out to an abandoned factory plant with nothing but long concrete roads, and empty foundations a couple miles off the road, pretty much ideal for learning the ropes.

Needless to say, I flew the plane better than my instructor and was more confident. (mainly due to my thousands of flights using Realflight along with hundreds of crashes!) --- I took off, did some rolls, loops, Cuban8s and then I got nervous about the landing, so I let my seasoned pro take over. Well, suffice to say he managed to introduce my trainer to the only tree within 10 miles, and my first day of flight was quickly rendered complete.

Realflight was good back then. It provided me the raw confidence and ability to understand the dynamics of flight as well as the inherent advantages of each different model aircraft without incurring the cost or the build-time. Last week on a whim, I decided to get back into RC planes. I lost my whole collection to Katrina and wanted to start off small again, but it has been at least 3 years since I last flew by Futaba, so off I went to find out about RF 3.5!

Well, I purchased Realflight 3.5 thinking it probably had a lot more than I needed or wanted included, but all things being equal, it probably was still the best available on the market. I was right, it is the best available for my needs, but it does have FAR too many options, variables, scenarios, settings and parameters that most of us will probably never care to use, much less actually need. I wish they sold a scaled down RC plane version only with a few flying fields and maybe a dozen aircraft for1/2 price, then maybe a "Premier" version with everything else included, but I guess that is not in the scheme of things at KnifeEdge. In any case, the new multilink controller (made by Futaba) is superb --- precise, accurate & can be configured for custom applications by the end pilot.

All-in-all, highly recommended. Excellent software, fabulous graphics, accurate control, and definitely worth the $ to me. If you are serious about learning how to fly, flying when the weather is poor, experimenting with different aircraft or simply reducing your % of accidents into this wonderful hobby, then RF3.5 in my opinion is the best out there bar none.
Even if you, like me, don't have much time a year to fly, it is the best fun you can have practicing without picking up too many discarded pieces of balsa wood and monokote!

Keep the greasy side down,

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