
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Review

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
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Although graphically ancient compared to the games nowadays, when this game came out 3 years ago...WOW.It has the feel of the old style 2-Dimensional arcade games.Besides running around and hacking thingsup..which is cool and all...you get to do a variety of exploring.Newabilities granted to you in the game(Changing into a bat or mist)allowfor hours of exploration to previously unattainable areas.The storylineis compelling and the gameplay is fun for anyone.There are a variety ofweapons, spells and powerups that contribute to the lasting effect of thegame.The computer generated movies are still well done eventoday...although parents may want to be cautioned at some of the violencedepicted in them.For any lover of the vampire genre..this game is anepic!

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