
Xbox 360 TSZ Wired Controller Review

Xbox 360 TSZ Wired Controller
Average Reviews:

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This product is not designed to last.If you play a lot of FPS games like I do, there's a lot of joystick work to be done.The buttons work fine, trigger sensitivity is all good.The digital d-pad is a little finicky though.It takes a lot of practice to hit only ONE direction.

This controller has silicone pads on its joysticks that grip really well to your skin.However, they do NOT grip well to the plastic underneath that they are bonded to.After a while, the silicone pads start to tear open at the seam, eventually just falling off.What you get then is a rather unusable hard plastic core of the thumbstick.

You're better off spending some money on a legit Microsoft 360 controller that's built with solid construction and will be guaranteed to last.

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Product Description:
Pelican's officially licensed Xbox 360 controller features 10" USB 2.0 high grand cable, 360 Menu Button, full Live voice support all wrapped up in an ultra clean and compact design.Available in assorted designs and colors including, camo, graffiti, and intense nite glow.

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