
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror Review

Syphon Filter Dark Mirror
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I own 12 PSP games currently, and I've sold off about 6 more.This by far is the best game I have played that maximizes what the PSP can do.As much as I love Burnout Legends and Daxter, this one ranks a little higher.

The Good - User friendly controls, great sound, absolute beautiful graphics.This plays like a expensive demo that was tailored to show what the system can do.The difference being it is a full game with extended playability and multi-player action.If you had to rank a game #1 based on everything you want in a shooter, it would be this game.It has stealth, action, cool gadgets that are easy to get to and creativity with the story line.

The Bad?There really isn't any negatives, unless you don't like shooters too much. The frame rate is smooth, and even the training mode is well designed and plays like a mission.You would be hard pressed to find a game that takes as much care in putting the absolute best product out for gamers.

Overall, 5 stars and worth the money.If your thing is multi-player you will definitely like this game. Huge replayability here.If you prefer solo, the game will last you a long time and be challenging.This one is somewhat of a hidden gem based on the few reviews, I highly recommend it for shooter enthusiasts.

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Product Description:
Product InformationGabe Logan is a highly trained Precision Strike Operative commanding ablackbox U. Using Precision Strike Tactics advanced vision technology and thelatest in high-tech weaponry Logan's specialty is covert operations requiringdeadly force. Logan and his team perform'surgical strikes': missions toosensitive for a military response too dangerous for civilian intelligenceforces. Logan's job is to infiltrate recon and execute decisively. Onceinserted Logan is his own authority..Product FeaturesUtilize deadly force and the most advanced weaponry andhigh-tech equipment imaginableTake down hostiles who feature awareness behaviors andcommunications based on player actionsPrecision aiming melee attacks and target enhancementsprovide plausible deniability to any actionOnline strike teams (2 person teams) match up against eachother in a battle for competing objectives

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