
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Review

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Average Reviews:

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This game is soooo cool. You have three days and nights, to find Majora's Mask and save Termina from being destroyed by the falling moon. In this game, all of the minor characters in Orcarina are better explored and newcharacter's are also introduced. As well as Majora's mask, you have to find24 other masks.Another cool thing about this game is that Young Link canuse some of the weapons that were previosly only available to Adult Link.But the neatest thing of all about Majora's mask is the ability to turn into different things depending on which mask you are wearing. The Deku maskallows you turn turn in to a Deku , the Zora mask in to a Zora and theGoron in to a Goron etc..One of the questions you might have about thisgame is whether Link can grow up as in Orcarina. Well, I don't want tospoil it for you but I'll tell you this....The final battle is worthplaying the game for.

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Product Description:
Made in Japan. For this game pak to operate, you must have an N64 expansion pak(sold separately installed in Your N64).

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