
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Review

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
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So this game actually only deserves four stars...but since I know some other moron will post the obligatory "Dis here game iz alredy on teh three-six-zeeero" and give the game a low score I bumped it up to five stars.That should cancel out exactly one dipstick.

On to the game!

Beautiful game.COMES WITH A FREE $(*@)(%! MOVIE!!Holy 'effing mother of Gargonzola the game takes thirty friggen minutes to get going.I know it's supposed to be an epic tale of survival and exploration but I MADE A SANDWICH in the time it took for the game to start.Sure, people joke and say, "...man, I could have gotten up and made a sandwich in that length of time."Yeah, well, not only did I MAKE the sandwich, I ate the damn thing too.Beautiful movie...but when it came time to move my guy around I looked at the controller with slight distrust."Hmmm..."Lo and behold the damn game was ready for me to play it!Battle tutorial!AWESOME!Ohh...nice and then I can explore the ship and then...AW F$$%!ANOTHER damn cutscene.

When we FINALLY have control for REAL, the camera is fluid, the controls are accurate (except when I "sprint".I don't know who stuck a N0S bottle up the main character's butt to make him zip forward like that but it's slightly retarded.At least make the damn sprint last longer.I have to keep having my guy make grunting noises like he's plowing the remnants of Thanksgiving dinner through his colon.*sigh*

Combat is very nifty.Again, nothing groundbreaking but this is an RPG for frick's sake, what did you expect?There's a little battle bonus board that you can add to by meeting special conditions in battle.A bonus battle feature where you can sneak around behind the enemy...the name of which escapes me at the moment.DIFFICULTY SETTINGS!!!Very very cool.It's one thing to have a difficult RPG...it's another to have to get your guys to level 27 before you can fight the first boss.The Japanese are all sadistic, I think.You get used to whacking all this little stuff and THEN comes captain octopus that absolutely spanks your monkey until bananas come out of your ears.So frustrating...and this game avoids those frustrations with an easy button.

The voices...ugh.The obligatory cute asian-looking girl with perky...er...attitudes and tight pants is entertaining for the first five minutes.Then you want to go and grab that stick with a hand on it from the concorde grape-jelly character who runs the item making machine and strangle her with it.The main character dude says the same...damn...thing...every...friggen...battle.You can switch them over to the Japanese voices and laugh at them for awhile...but then it starts to feel like you're in an airport and you've gotta switch back.

Menu can be changed from modern to classic.Modern being what I have heard was available on the 360 and classic being a bright anime/cartooney style.I prefer the anime style personally.

In the end, if you didn't try this on the 360 then I say give it a go.I LOVE RPGs and this one has already provided me with hours of pleasure.Seriously, don't be afraid to buy the game.It's pretty damn good.

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Product Description:
The year is A.D. 2087. In the aftermath of World War III, Earth has been ravaged and the population decimated by a deteriorating environment. The countries that survived have joined together to form the Greater Unified Nations and turned their eyes skyward...to space. Edge Maverick and his childhood friend Reimi Saionji are chosen as pioneer members of the Space Reconnaissance Force, which was created to seek out new worlds beyond the stars. Their ship, the Calnus, takes its place on the lunar launch pad along with four other starships of the first reconnaissance fleet. These ships - humanity's last hope - blast off one-by-one and sail into the awaiting wormhole that leads to the vast star ocean.And so, Edge and his crew begin their voyage in search of a new haven for humanity...and a second chance.

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