
Hot Shots Golf2 Review

Hot Shots Golf2
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I got this game because I wanted a game to play with my friends who don't play video games as much as I do.The learning curve is pretty good and it can take less than a round to get a good grip on the game, but much longer to master it.As you play against different opponents and beat them you are then able to play as them.Going through the tournament season opens up courses and doing well gives some cool prizes.
Controls are simple, but you can do a lot with them.Spin and terrain play a large role in this game and really add a lot.Still, the best thing about this game is that it doesn't take long to get the hang of, so novices can pick it up pretty quickly.Also, because of its cartoonish look, it's a blast when everyone is drunk!
Single player of multi, this game is a lot of fun.

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