
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Review

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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The title for my review seems to be about the best way to describe this game.It's considered an RPG, but it's more of a sandbox game in my opinion.That being said, it was the first and only RPG I have played and I absolutely loved it.If you haven't played Oblivion and you're thinking about buying it for PS3, wait a month or two.Bethseda is releasing a "Game of the Year" edition that will contain all of the expansion packs for Oblivion (Knights of the Nine, which is included in this reviewed PS3 version, Shivering Isles (not included in current PS3 version), and I believe there's more).Positive and Negative breakdown, shall we?

- Fantastic graphics
- large world to roam about, lots to explore and discover
- Story lines are immersive
- No lack of tasks to complete (game guide is some 400 pages)
- character leveling provides incentive to practice skills, you also find better weapons, armor and magical abilities the higher your character levels.
- ability to craft your own magic spells, enchanted weapons and armor, make potions

- Some of the dungeon and cave crawling gets repetitive, especially the Gates of Oblivion
- Enemies level with your character.While it keeps the game challenging, part of the joy of levelling is becoming more powerful.With enemies that level with your character, you never really become "God-like" as the enemies become more powerful as you do.

Really, there isn't a lot not to like.the game is at least 200 hours long, with all of the side quests and such outside the main story line.The Dark brotherhood quests, especially, are very fun quests.I highly recommend this game, but like I said earlier, wait for the Game of the Year edition if you plan to buy.

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Product Description:
After the mysterious and untimely death of the Emperor the throne of Tamriel lies empty. With the Empire ready to crumble the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the land - laying waste to everything in their path. To turn the tide of darkness you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the sinister plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel.Format: PS3 Genre:NO GENRE Rating:RP UPC:093155120600 Manufacturer No:12060

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