
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
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Ok, this was 20 times better than the first Ninja Turtles game.What was Ultra/Konami thinking when designing the first game!?I'm not goin' strike at them hard because of the graphics, but the unfair difficulty, lack of actual Ninja Turtle characters, different abilities of each Turtle (making two of the four useless), and lack of connection with the cartoon series made the first game less than mediocre.Although the first game was a hit, Ultra Soft and Konami knew the messed up and they promised that the sequels will have better gameplay and characters, designed for younger kids (main target audience of Ninja Turtle fan base).

Ok, I do admit that the graphics were far inferior from the original arcade release, but a 8-bit console has techinical limitations and the game had to be designed to fit in with the limits and it has. The NES version's graphics were advanced for its time and it followed other arcade gameplays with only a few, but better exceptions.Adding two new levels was innovative (along with advertising Pizza Hut - you get a free pan pizza coupon with the purchase of the game), and so was adding three new bosses.Some of the original levels were longer than in the arcade version, but it was fun and a bit easier than the quarter sucking machine. Best thing of all were the choice of ninja turtle characters from the cartoon, with a few made up mini characters and bosses like Torra and Shogun.Rock Solider leaders, Granitor and General Tragg were the main bosses, Krang was the second to last boss (finally), you get to fight Baxter Stockman in not only human form, but also in his mutated form (instead of a rematch with Bebop and Rocksteady - probaly due to technical contraints for the NES), and Shredder may be more difficult than in the previous game, but you won't get bored in fighting him and the clones and wacking them several times with three different turtle moves (make sure you get the right one and watch out for his ligthing bolt sword).Instead of firemen, butterflies, flying robot heads, and all the other BS made-up enememies from the previous game, you get to battle hundreds of multi-colored footsoldiers whose attack and choice of weapon is unique with its color (this continues for the next two games).They also ride in helicopters, motorcycles, vehicles and skateboards.Other mini enemies include Mousers (of course), Roadkill Rodneys (from the second episode of the cartoon), Tubular Transports (flying robot flies that were used as Shredder's survalience on the third episode of the series), flying knife throwing ninjas, tigers, and more.

The levels were real fun (especially the expressway mini level where you ride your skateboard and knock out the foot soliders.The overall game was exciting and innovative and still is.The only flaw about this game is not adding a four player co-op like from the arcade (The NES just released a NES Satalite that allows two additional players in select games, so there was no excuse for not adding Turtles 2 and 3 to the list).I still play it in my old NES, so those that don't have an NES, get it for your Virtual Console, once they release it cause its fun.I will gurantee you that the third and fourth game are much more fun!!!

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Product Description:
Vintage game cartridge for the 8-bit Nintendo NES videogame console.

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