
Shining Soul 2 Review

Shining Soul 2
Average Reviews:

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This game is heaps of fun.I could play for hours and hours and actually found myself doing just that.If you don't mind returning to town all the time to buy more health drops and to sell off extraneous items, this game is a must buy.The only qualm I had was that it seemed at times monsters could attack you from a diagonal but you couldn't hit them.Maybe just a bug or a quirk.Either way, fun, fun, fun.Finally, levels are easy to gain and the variety of weapons and items make the game a little more enjoyable.

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Product Description:
Shining Soul II takes you back to the beautiful and mysterious world from the original Shining Soul. The battles between light & darkness of the original game are now just legends -- but the darkness has returned. Monsters are appearing again, as the King announces a tournament of fighters. The warrior who proves his or her worth will lead the fight against the monsters. Can that warrior be you?

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