
Dark Cloud 2 Review

Dark Cloud 2
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Until I beat this game, I was playing it for about 5 hours a day, which is unusual for me. It took me at least 50 hours to beat it. I am a veteran 26-year-old gamer.
While the original Dark Cloud was sort of a Zelda 64 clone, this new one has many new innovations that make it a huge improvement over the first (which was a fun game as well, actually). The two most noticable improvements are the cel-shaded graphics and the fact that the weapons don't break permanently (good news).
The voice-overs are pretty good, although there are probably too many cut scenes. The combat is action-oriented, and fun, for the most part. All in all, this game is more deep and entertaining than you might think. There is not much to complain about, and it is a welcome addition to the Playstation 2 library!

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